[QUOTE="pesho_georgie] Here is your fix.[/QUOTE] Thank you very much I will look at it later but thank you. .
Is this fix mentioned here supposed to be suited for the KB4556399 error? if it was I can't use since I am being told by the system I can't add any kind of slash special characters to the target line. Yes, there is just one empty space in between.
Failed the shortcut part at first. Tried it now anyway via the shortcut, started ok but it didn't work, installation failed in the end.
Windows 7, x64, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Followed the instructions. I ran it as admin. I received this error message: Installation did not succeed Software update KB4552921 has not been installed because: Fatal error during installation UPDATE SUCCESS!!!! Thank you! I have no idea why, but I tried again (3rd try) and the update succeeded. I did NOT do a reboot between these 3 tries. Puzzling.
pour moi l'espace est mis et cela ne marche pas tu me feras une séance privée tous les jours [QUOTE = "Lucergiana, post: 1596355, membre: 1337232"] Windows 7, x64, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 J'ai suivi les instructions. Je l'ai exécuté en tant qu'administrateur. J'ai reçu ce message d'erreur: L'installation n'a pas réussi La mise à jour logicielle KB4552921 n'a pas été installée car: Erreur fatale lors de l'installation [/ QUOTE] THE SAME FOR ME
Hm, it worked now, which is great btw. Dunno how tho. Maybe cuz I have placed it inside the W7ESUItemp_10878 next to the W7ESUI.cmd? Anyway, it worked.
thanks but i get the same error. It´s not really worth the hassle, so i´ll bite it and get the free win10 upgrade. Thx for the effort here though.
why rush into installing win10 when you didn't even try anything to solve this issue ? is the SP1 installed on your machine ? if not, you have to install SP1 first before to install the update. Otherwise, have you just installed win7 on your machine or it was installed for many years on the machine ? if it's long time installation, you may need to perform a windows repair procedure as your system files could be corrupted.
SusanBradley said: ↑ Well then buy a Windows 7 ESU key for $65 and this patch works What are you talking about? Microsoft does not sell the key to the private/final users like us, but only to the companies. --------------------------------------- SusanBradley's comment was - whether intentionally or unintentionally - only a partial assessment of the situation. I'm not sure how it works in the USA, but after reading her comment, I contacted a friend here in Germany today who's involved in his university's contract with M$. The university pays around 60 euros per machine - they only have a few still running Win 7 - but this is only for the current calendar year. That is, if you somehow bought a license today, it would expire at the end of 2020. For 2021, you'd have to buy another one-year ESU license. However, my friend said the price is expected to double, and then double again for 2022. This last bit of info is speculation, but based upon well-sourced rumors.
----------------------------------------------------- Worked for me, too. You people - and the rest of the Bypass team - are GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!