Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. Pomme de Terre

    Pomme de Terre MDL Novice

    Jan 7, 2020
    #3421 Pomme de Terre, May 25, 2020
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  2. Pomme de Terre

    Pomme de Terre MDL Novice

    Jan 7, 2020
    OK... But that don't help me...

    Is a complete reinstall of .NET needed ?
  3. pipasky

    pipasky MDL Novice

    May 14, 2020
    Hello all ,

    This is after reading many errors after installing the Esu V7
    I decide to ask my question in the form of information here hoping to have a correct answer :)

    here I take the installation process in the _ReadMe
    it is said to have the following KBs:

    - KB4490628
    - KB4474419
    - KB4555449
    - KB4538483
    - KB3138612

    then after follow the : How to Use - Live OS Installation

    So if I summarize the person who wants to make a clean installation and who has never installed an Esu bypass
    should do this:

    1. Install Windows 7
    2. Enter the Key
    3. Make all the updates
    4. install the following KBs:

    - KB4490628
    - KB4474419
    - KB4555449
    - KB4538483
    - KB3138612

    then proceed with the execution of the : How to Use - Live OS Installation : no ?

    Hoping to have an answer from someone here,

    Thank you very much .

    I would pass that by this evening I hope with all my heart to have an answer from a person who has been able to install the Esu V7 perfectly.
  4. BraneStawm

    BraneStawm MDL Novice

    Apr 14, 2020
    Hi Guys, I'm fairly new here and have only used the windows update control program 'sledgehammer' which has been brilliant.

    I have just installed Win 7 on a VM and ran the simplix update .exe. I checked for/download and installed, all the prerequisite updates and ran the LiveOS-Setup.cmd

    The problem I have is that it only gives me 3 options:

    [3] Install WU ESU Patcher
    [6] Remove .Net 4 ESU Bypass
    [9] Exit

    I have read through most of the thread and haven't seen this problem come up so far.

    Please could you advise as to what may be the issue.

    Many thanks
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    When you ran simplix updatepack on originally ESU supported SKUs (pro, ultimate and enterprise) all should work and no need for ESU Bypass v7, all updates should work.

    When you ran simplix updatepack on starter, basic or premium, it needs ESU Bypass v7 to get the ESU stage dotnetfx48 updates offered on WU.

    I've reported this to @abbodi1406 last week, when simplix is used, then bypass v7 shows those options, to get all to work, press [6] to remove the .NET 4 bypass, installed by simplix updatepack, and re-start ESU Bypass v7 and install .NET Bypass 4 again, and use [3] to install the WU ESU Patcher, now dotnetfx48 should be offered on WU and next the latest update for it. I am still testing all the scenarios in which simplix updatepack fails or works.
  6. pipasky

    pipasky MDL Novice

    May 14, 2020
    Hello again ,

    A response please for my request a bit higher

    Thank you very much .
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    When you have installed all the prerequisite updates, install bypass v7 full install and all should work.
  8. pipasky

    pipasky MDL Novice

    May 14, 2020
    Hello @Enthousisat ,

    well here we come it means that I just after my request for help :).
  9. BraneStawm

    BraneStawm MDL Novice

    Apr 14, 2020
    Thanks for the quick response. Now for the next hurdle:

    I have downloaded all the monthly rollups, it was stated at the beginning that you need January to be able to install February, Feb to install March ...etc

    When I try to install January rollup I get the error:

    "The update is not applicable to your computer"

    Any ideas?

  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Afaik, only the MAY SSU is needed for v7 to be able to install the latest ESU updates.
  11. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    The update patch is the same for .net 4.6 -> 4.7.2 (regardless if it's labeled differently for Win7/2008R2 and 2008)

    so, it will have the ESU restriction, and would need the same workaround to install freely
  12. mattew

    mattew MDL Member

    May 5, 2013
    Hi guys .... I did this:
    -integrated update until January with net framework 4.8+KB4474419+ KB3138612
    -integrated KB4490628,KB4538483, KB4555449,
    -integrated bypass ESU.v7
    - rebuilt ISO
    windows update can't find me only KB4550964.
    Why? what am I doing wrong?
  13. GoneToPlaid

    GoneToPlaid MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2019
    #3438 GoneToPlaid, May 25, 2020
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
    I have been dealing with the exact same issue for over a week. The solution is to uninstall BypassESU v7 or v6. If you want to still be able to simply check for new updates in Windows Update, install Bypass ESU v5 for the time being, since the v5 version doesn't cause crashes in the Windows Installer (msiexec.exe). I was trying to figure out why msiexec.exe has crashed many dozens of times in verifier.dll while trying to reinstall Office 365, or why installers for other programs which I use (and had previously installed) instantly crashed when either trying to uninstall older versions or when trying to install newer versions which are already installed on my other Win7 computers.

    The upshot is that both BypassESU v6 and v7 add additional registry entries (and perhaps some additional DLLs) which somehow cause problems for Windows Installer.

    With BypassESU v7 installed, an update to Office 365 bricked Office. I had to uninstall Office 365. Reinstalling it took forever. The install failed at 96%, even after I selected Retry for the present operation. I then clicked on the Ignore button, and the installer said that Office 365 installed successfully.

    With BypassESU v7 installed, I could not install LibreOffice. The installer instantly crashed.

    I thought that the issue might be a MS issue since the April Security Only update for Windows also updated msiexec.exe. I uninstalled all May and April updates in reverse order, and I still could not install LibreOffice. Finally, I uninstalled BypassESU v7. After doing so, I was able to install LibreOffice and either uninstall or update other programs on my laptop, in order to match what I have installed on my desktop.

    This afternoon, I reinstalled BypassESU v7 and updated Windows again through April. I then uninstalled v7 and then I installed v5. I then deliberately uninstalled and reinstalled LibreOffice, and some other programs, to verify that v5 does not cause issues with the Windows Installer.

    BypassESU v6 and v7 install additional stuff in comparison to v5. Somehow, these later versions of BypassESU break Windows Installer when trying to install or uninstall some programs.

    Kudos to abbodi and his team for their excellent work. I am sure that they will figure out how to fix this issue. Testing of future versions of BypassESU should include testing Windows Installer by uninstalling, installing, or reinstalling various programs. Even if things appear to work okay, the Windows Event Viewer will readily reveal any crashes in msiexec.exe and that msiexec.exe was restarted in order to complete the process.
  14. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011

    Actually, BypassESU v6 do not contain anything related to Windows Installer (msiexec.exe) or .NET 4

    and yes, i'm aware of the incompatibility issue in BypassESU v7 regarding msiexec.exe
    hopefully we can fix it soon, otherwise we will revert to v6 (.NET 4 Bypass can be used separately then)
  15. molbari

    molbari MDL Novice

    Feb 28, 2013
    hello every one having a bit of a problem i have a windows 7 pro installed activated have micro soft office activated all the updates installed but cant install two updates
    have done a lot of reading and tried a lot of ways but those two dont want to install.
    any suggestion would be appreciated
    thank you and have a pleasant day