CaptainSpeleo, you do not need to install each monthly update from the past, only the most recent. I think someone was already confused and tried to install earlier updates. Once you have SP1 installed, you can install the Convenience Update from 2016, then any pre-requisite updates (March SSU 2019, SHA256, Current Month SSU, reboot) and then install just the current month (June) SMQR which includes all SMQRs since they started a roll up in 2016.
MrEagle, this was listed in the readme and first post for the V7 release. V7 adds a method to patch MSI installer which allows for automatic installation of the .NET updates. This is not required (it can be installed manually or without the patch). The patch has known bugs that cause some MSI installations to fail/crash.
June 2020 updates for Windows 7 Pro x64 installed flawlessly with BypassESU v7. Thanks for the excellent work!
Can receive ESU updates, installed properly but each monthly update ends with error 80073712 in Windows Update. Searched for solutions but still kept receiving the same message.
I just noticed that the revised ESU Prep. update KB4538483 (or June rollup KB4561643 / june SO KB4561669) adds the support to activate Client-ESU-Year1 via KMS Code: {3fcc2df2-f625-428d-909a-1f76efc849b6} 172 Client-ESU-Year1 Windows Client Extended Security Updates add-on Volume:GVLK X22-29410 Volume 145040400 145040409 10 unfortunately, we don't have a way to generate gVLK for it it may also require updated KMS Emulator to activate against (KmsCountedID) only Client-ESU-Year1 channel got this KMS support, so it's not very worthy
If I understand you correctly, you're saying ONLY these steps need to be done if a clean install of Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit is done right now? 1. Install Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit 2. Install May 2016 convenience rollup update (KB3125574) 3. Install March 2019 servicing stack update (KB4490628) 4. Install September 2019 SHA-2 code update (KB4474419) 5. Install June 2020 servicing stack update (KB4562030) 6. Install June 2020 security monthly quality rollup (KB4561643) Where does BypassESU-v5 and BypassESU-v7 come into play to continue installing post-EOL updates and .NET Framework 4.8 updates?
CaptainSpeleo, Mostly true. If really doing a clean install of Windows 7 SP1 (unmodified from Microsoft), you would also need to install IE11 at some point (step 1-A) and there are a good number of other updates that are not included in the security monthly rollup that can be installed at step 4-A or step 6-A. In order to install any of the updates from after Jan 2020 (without a valid ESU key), you need something like BypassESU. This would be installed after step 4 as well. May 2020 updates included a separate .NET Framework update that does a separate check for the ESU license. Bypass ESU v7 includes a method to automate allowing this .NET framework update to work. However, I do not recommend leaving the bypass enabled as it causes the Windows Installer (msiexec) to crash on some other legitimate programs. I personally just run the update manually with the ESU key option that was discovered. Note: I know most all of these updates (at least up to Jan 2020) can be Slipstreamed into a fresh install. The list below is what I would do if I only had an original Microsoft SP1 image and was building a slipstream image or doing a fresh VM install. 1. Install Windows 7 SP1 64-bit - Ensure it is activated as newer updates after Jan 2020 may check for this too. 2. Install March 2019 servicing stack update (KB4490628) 3. Install September 2019 SHA-2 code update (KB4474419) REBOOT REQUIRED after SHA2 Update. 4. Install latest Servicing Stack Update (Ex. June 2020 - KB4562030) 5. Install IE11 (Will auto install its prerequisites) REBOOT REQUIRED 6. Install May 2016 convenience rollup update (KB3125574) REBOOT REQUIRED 7. Install BypassESU (Pre-requisite KB4538483 if you want Windows Updates to show ESU updates - Might require a reboot.) 8. Install June 2020 security monthly quality rollup (KB4561643) REBOOT REQUIRED 9. Install any leftover Windows Updates, Optional Features, .NET Framework Updates, etc.
Moin @ All! My June 2020 ESUpdate experience for Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 systems: KB4561603 (Cumulative Security Update for IE 11 for Windows 7 SP1 x64) -> succesfully installed KB4561669 (Security Only Quality Update for Windows 7 SP1 x64) -> succesfully installed KB4562030 (Servicing Stack Update for Windows 7 SP1 x64) -> succesfully installed "Licensing method": KB4528069 & BypassESU-v4.7z @ abbodi1406 & Co: Thx for your support! Great job!
@abbodi1406 i got the update first time on WU but i only got the KB4561643 update and the other update i have to manually install ? i have attached a screenshot below
Servicing Stack Update appears after installing all the required updates for the month. I see you installed the Monthly Rollup, in that case the other 2 security updates are not required, since they are implemented in the Rollup.
Successfully installed all 3 updates (IE patch + Security-only + Quality rollup) on both x86 and x64 machines running v4 of the bypass. Only needed the May SSU to install. No June SSU or May ESU prep package needed, although like usual the June SSU must be installed for next month's updates.
As with the others, got the latest updates done but through Bypass v6 as I promised to use from last time. Wasn't aware that there's v7 now but would probably use this for July onwards, especially when I wasn't offered the monthly roll-up and SSU at the same time. Maybe the new version fixed that I guess.
The SSU update is always offered after installing the monthly roll-up and rebooting. That is the standard procedure.