I was able to install this latest ESU prep update in Windows Update. So at least my ByBassV7-AIO works. But NDP updates still fail to install.
Code: 1642 The installer cannot install the upgrade patch because the program being upgraded may be missing or the upgrade patch updates a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch. are you sure you have .NET 4.8 correctly installed?
At this stage he needs the May update first, not the July one, no? The error message tells exactly just that.
Okay. I try to uninstall Net Framework completely and reinstall it. Then I will try this update which was not successful before.
Nobody said you had to uninstall BypassV7-AIO. * right-click on LiveOS-Setup.cmd and "Run as administrator" * select [6] Remove .NET 4 ESU Bypass It's not even important it's just to be on the safe side since now you'll use a different method to bypass .NET ESU. If you choose reinstall the whole .NET (does not seem to be necessary) then you have to get all the pre-ESU updates before these steps apply.
I apologize for the misunderstandings. I am Finnish, and part of England quite badly. I use a google translator and it can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. So I remove the NET 4 ESU bypass.
When I opened the LiveOs setup, I noticed that I don't even have Net4-ESU installed So will I just continue with the other steps in your instructions, or will I install Net4-ESU by pressing 7?
I can't until you tell me your installed .Net 4 version (4.5, 4.6, 4.7 or 4.8). Step one in the list.
guys if i'm not wrong, does the simplix pack contains the pre-patched updates from the net framework? if yes,then @Mazufa you can istall simplix pack instead to get all the necessary updates + net framework ones.
@Mazufa, i am having a hard time believing you're for real, you have been given all answers over and over and every time something new is not working for you and never any comprehensive response from you. Just do a clean install and run the ESU Bypass v7 and WU will take care of all updates. Yeah, thanks...
He doesn't speak English at all. Already trying to help fixing the problem in PM / TW to reduce the noise here.
I'm lost. Where do I get the download links for the updates? They are links from May in the first post.
Update History is for installation through WU only it's not important no update offer in WU = update is installed check Control Panel \ Programs and Features \ Installed Updates