Thank you, but that is exactly what will not work. I downloaded the ....754 x64 again.... and again I get the "Fatal Error" Message-- I get the error 0x80070643 which means "do a restart", but even after that same error...
Thanks for your reply. I guess I'll try it one of these days. As I've said, although sometimes I have to do it manually, thanks to the Bypass, I can install the updates on all the machines. As a result, the incentive for doing the troubleshooting isn't so great - and my laziness doesn't help.
Not missing, it's not there because it can't be there, because @abbodi1406 made it not there, because it can't be removed. Show it. In my opinion i should be incredibly rich, won't happen. It's exactly how it is, after installing an ESU update, removal can't be done and is not needed anyway.
Can you provide some more info? - did you install v7 (full install) + the esu licensing preparation update? - what error do you get? - did you check the Troubleshoot Q&A if it is mentioned in there?
@BernieBildman KB4570506 article gives details for each included update and for what .NET version KB4569767 = .NET 3.5.1 KB4569754 = .NET 4.8 KB4569775 = .NET 4.6 -> 4.7.2 KB4569780 = .NET 4.5.2
@abbodi1406 & @Enthousiast Hi, I haven't updated the system for two months and today I used By_Pass update online but I don't get updates anymore .. I manually installed kb4570643 and Kb4571729 but the Kb4570506 fails .. The only one that remains installed is the KB4569767! Thank you
I can't find kb4570643 anywhere? Or is it KB4570673? My, Italian, i assume, is a bit rusty, what is the error message in english?
The KB4570506 .NET Update also fails for me. Error code 643. I have only installed the .NET Framework 4.8.03751 and the associated German language file (2,93MB). Last month I had install v7 (full install). I came from v5 (full install) because I got a similar installation error for the last .NET update KB4566517 (same error code 643).
Sorry exactly KB4570673 !! Software Update Wizard KBKB4569775 end KB4569780 is not applicable or is blocked by another condition of the computer. X KB4569754 Software installation failed: Fatal error during installation. Ciao .
Installed August patches (2 first - the net and the big one and one 9Mb after) successfully without a single problem! I love you guys (within reason) Also installed the Office 2016 critical ones - whatever they might be - and no issues! Kind regards from the UK
Read the FAQ mate... everything is clearly explained there... follow all the instructions and it should work afterwards!
Hello! My difficulties with ByBassV7-AIO functionality were due to my old Windows 7 being corrupted. I completely reinstalled the Windows 7 Professional operating system, and after that BybassV7-AIO as well as the updates could be successfully installed for me! eMTeee helped me through the TeamViewer software, and I am grateful to him for the help! I want to apologize because I wrote pretty much. It would have been easy if I could have guessed that my old Windows 7 Professional operating system was just corrupted.