so @mehdiblue is back again under a new nick @NoTears to hijack topics again and be as annoying as always? GET LOST!!!
So you did what i suggested in the troubleshoot Q&A, deleted the softwaredistribution folder and reran WU? Can you show the "updates history" and the "installed updates" windows, so i can see if the ESU Licensing package is installed?
Is the Simplix pack updated with new ESU releases as they come out? I downloaded the 11.11 SimplixPack, did a fresh Windows 7 install, ran the update pack to completion, and then ran ESU bypass (latest version), ran WU, and it said I had no updates to install. Which would make sense if the Simplix pack has the ESU updates up to November included. Is that the case?
Yes, the updatepacks contain the bypass and all updates till the time of release. Not promoting/discussing it here, check the official simplix thread:
You have Nov Rollup KB4586827 installed in your machine so that's normal you are not offered ESU updates through WU. So i guess you must first have installed option [2] "Install ESU Suppressor" in the bypass and install the update manually before deciding to install the WU ESU patcher.
@NoTears mehdiblue get lost and leave replying to people who know what they're saying. You're nothing but a disease and you keep polluting MDL
i know what i'm saying and all my messages are here to prove it. When i am not sure of my answer, i prefer to abstain from responding to not mislead members. you are very annoying person, i guess i will have to put you on my "ignored users" as well. By the way i've reported your posts to the staff which are useless and completely off-topic and are only there to confuse people's minds. Have a good day.
you have some nerve reporting decent members to staff. I hope staff will serve you with the only good response possible and ban your account again! Also I wish they will work out a solution to get rid of you permanently
Do you mean Security-only ESU updates ? the Nov Rollup ESU update you installed contains fixes of the previous monthly rollup but also all past security and non-security fixes from 2016 and it supersedes the previous month's rollup. Security-Only updates are not cumulative, it includes only security-related fixes and i contains this month's fixes and so to be protected you need to install them all. Besides that, Security-Only updates are not offered through WU. Only Rollup ESU are offered through WU. So if you want to opt for Security-Only updates, you can simply uninstall Nov Rollup ESU KB4586827 by going to "installed updates", right click and uninstall. Rebbot the machine and install instead manually Nov Security-Only ESU KB4586805 ESU.
I'm certainly not a technical expert, but it might be part of your problem because - I guess - you don't have the various SSUs (Service Stack Updates) that have appeared from time to time. Do the "experts" here think this might be contributing to snofte's issue? Thanks.