One of my my modded quad Xeon X5470 machines was stuck at 30% for 20 mins. I recently installed .net5 on this machine and there was a .net5 update offered in the update list. Now it switched to Shutting Down and has now been stuck there for 10 mins. My other Modded quad Xeon X5470 machine that I had NOT installed .net5 on recently had no prob with the updates & installed them & then came back to the desktop perfectly in normal time. Do you think I should force reboot the first machine, that is still stuck at Shutting down.
It's a 435 MB update. It may take incredibly long as .NET updates usually do. I'd let it go for at least half an hour before shutting down/rebooting/reverting back to previous state. If you still need it, go to microsoft's update catalog and install it manually.
i keep checking for updates but it never give me December updates even though i did deleted the files in SoftwareDistribution folder and i did ran the BypassESU-v9 and i did turn off AV and i did restarted my computer and i am here in USA and my clock is correct and my time zone is correct any ideas how to fix this?
@980737 : make a .bat or .cmd script with this conent: Code: :: stop Automatic Update service NET STOP WUAUSERV :: Reset to force client to perform a detection cycle REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v LastWaitTimeout /f :: start Automatic Update service NEt START WUAUSERV wuauclt /detectnow run that script as admin. Run Windows Update, look for updates. Working here even with the Dec. updates, first the big 2xxMB one, restart, then the small 4MB one.
i did run the script as admin i did restarted my computer and i did checked for updates again still it didn't give me december updates
Update: After I left the machine trying to shutdown for an hour, I forced it to reboot, on coming back up, it did the "coming back in configuring" just fine and then went to the desktop. Upon checking the installed update list, all of this month's were there & all said successful. So I don't know why it got stuck going out, when I installed them.
Anyone having problems with the bypass v9 should go back to v8 or v7. I use v8 and it works fine. Also, who the F**k is using .NET 5.0 on Windows 7? .NET version upgrades stopped being relevant after 4.5.2. Unless you're using the latest 2020 versions of SolidWorks and/or Adobe editing software, (which I don't believe are compatible) .NET has been presenting bugs left and right on W7 since version 4.6 onward.
[ I have never had a minutes trouble with .Net 4.8 on Windows 7 and I have six Win7 machines. I just wanted to see if .Net5 would work on Win7 just for kicks. And I will continue to run it on one of my 7 machines just for a few more kicks.
Update I had to uninstall KB4575903 and reinstall KB4575903 i did restarted my computer and i did checked for updates again and it gives me december updates
There is no need for a .Net5 bypass. I was able to install the .Net5.01 update on my Win 7 Ultimate, from WU and was able to verify it as listed in Programs & Features and in the Installed Updates list. Although I did have trouble with the "going out configuring" of the updates and had to force a restart after a long while. The "coming back in configuring" went fine though and like I said, all updates including the .Net5.01 were all listed as successful.