What does it do? How does it compare to the .net45/472/48? Can I leave it installed? Will it cause problems to Windows 7 Pro 64bit or Office 2016 32? Please advise and detail out for the community? Kind regards,
Unless some app specifically asks for it, you don't need it but you can still keep it, it will not affect Windows or Office
OK, thanks, but why, in your opinion, did I get it offered just now? As I've mentioned, my machine's been activated for years and years. And I'm still using my original install from 10(?) years ago. Thanks again.
Sorry, but what is WAT, please? Thank you. Also, I have to confess that I don't understand what you wanted to illustrate with your screengrab video. As always, thank you for your incomparable generosity with assistance and patience with not-so-well informed people - like me.
= I used WAT update, WAT itself stands for Windows Activation Technology is the WAT update. The WAT update is offered with or without installed bypass tool, i gave an example of a scenario when it can re-offered.