Apparently solved: 1) uninstall KB4578977v2; 2) uninstall KB4600944v2; 3) uninstall KB4578977; 4) uninstall KB4600944; 5) reboot; 6) WU offers KB46003002 again, please install it. The final result is that no more updates are offered by WU. Maybe I made a mistake, but it works. Please, don't laugh...
I've had some really odd behavior from NET Framework updates in the last few days on a fresh install of Win7Pro. All prerequisites and the v11 bypass installed. A whole bunch of .NET 4.5.x security updates (back to 2019) being offered and failing with 800b0101 error from Windows update. Read a whole load of posts on that which didn't help much until in a random fit of curiosity (madness) I set the computers clock to the day after patch Tuesday on that month and year. And the damn thing installs, did this for several versions of the security updates up until last month having to set the clock back, and this months installed fine as is. One of the weirdest things Windows has ever done to me! I don't know if it's related to the bypass or not. This install USB has been used before on other machines and they don't show this issue. Confusing to say the least.
Weird, it worked for me without any problems with bypass v11, everything installed without errors, but I don't know what's different with me. It's an old System Q9650 with 8GB RAM if that's any help
I've done a bit of digging into this issue of 4579977 and 4603002 being pulled and re-released and some of what I have seen matches what you have experienced... 4579977 has been re-released as a v2 update for the 2020-10 .NET update. This fixes an expired certificate error that appears if you try to install the 2020-10 .NET update in March 2021. For the vast majority of Win 7 users this re-release is not relevant as it is probably already installed on those with current Win 7 ESU updates. However I suspect it has to do with the fact that the 2020-10 updates are the final updates applicable to Windows Embedded Standard 7 without ESU. By pure coincidence I was testing a fresh install of WES7 earlier today (before todays patch release) and it failed on this update with a certificate error. Setting the clock back a month allowed it to install prior to this new update coming out. I later found this mentioned on the KB4579977 article notes as the reason for a v2 release. So it appears that this newly issued 4579977-v2 update is probably only of use to those doing a fresh install of WES7 without ESU and wanting to bring it up to 2020-10 patch level. I suspect MS made a mistake and released 4579977-v2 named as 2021-03 by mistake, before pulling and re-issuing named as 2020-10. The files are binary identical, just the name/date has changed. 4603002 has been re-released as 2021-02, it was released as 2021-03 earlier today but then pulled. I can't see an obvious reason for this other than the files for the .NET 4.5.2 update are binary different (dated Oct 2020 in the pulled 2021-03 release and dated March 2021 in the updated 2021-02 release). All other files are binary identical, so I suspect this one just went out with an older file by mistake before being pulled. Again unlikely to affect many people as this update is only used by those with .NET 4.5.2 - I suspect most Win 7 ESU users either have 4.8 or no .NET 4.x installed at all, in which case this part of the update doesn't apply.
I had this problem with one machine running Windows 7 Pro. The other machine (on Windows Home Premium) just installed everything and didn't present any updates a second time. The solution described above solved the problem.
i don't think you fixed it by doing this... what happens is that .NET updates aren't being offered now, MS probably removed it, the KB4579977 was installed fine, but it kept always being offered by rebooting the machine (like many users had reported here, myself included) now it no longer happens ( MS pulled it out)
@SkirtedMouse I was pulling my hair out until i tried the clock thing. Good (not sure that the right word) to know I'm not alone in having had that freaky s**t going on.
Moin @ All! My March 2021 ESUpdate experience for Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 systems: "Licensing method": KB4528069 & BypassESU-v11 KB4600944-v2 (Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 4.8) -> succesfully installed KB5000800 (Cumulative Security Update for IE 11 for Windows 7 SP1 x64) -> succesfully installed KB5000851 (Security Only Quality Update for Windows 7 SP1 x64) -> succesfully installed @ abbodi1406: Thx for your support! Great job!
kb4578977-v2 is now just ONE file in the Microsoft Update Catalog. (not a combination of installer files like it used to be) It can be installed seperately, after the procedure described above. After that, Windows Update doesn't offer it again. EDIT: Only just noticed: It's kb4578977-v2 instead of kb4579977-v2
Separate .NET 4.x updates are available from MU Catalog only WU always get the combined .NET Rollup KB4578977-v2 is now part of 2020-10 .NET Rollup (KB4579977), which is superseded
Yeah, you're right. I just got confused by the number. It's 5.30 AM over here. Getting time for bed I guess....
Worked well - manually as well as via windows update! KB5000841, KB4579977 (KB4578977v2), KB4603002 (KB4600944v2) Is it recommended to leave the v1 .net updates (KB4578977+KB4600944) on the machine or rather uninstall it? Any Infos from Microsoft why they were updated?
Using Bypass v11 but March updates are not being offered. For me, this is the 1st time the Bypass has failed to offer the monthly updates. Anyone else having this problem ?