2x shutdown and start up the pc after the april update KB5001392 (Security Only) Everything ok. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bits - BypassESU - V9 thx
@abbodi1406 @Enthousiast hello a question, what happens if I put the last bypass in my windows 7? since I have installed the v3 or v4 I do not remember well. Do I have to uninstall something before installing the new one or do I just install the new one and that's it? thanks for your kindness
Moin @ All! My April 2021 ESUpdate experience for Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 systems: "Licensing method": KB4528069 & BypassESU-v11 KB5001392 (Security Only Quality Update for Windows 7 SP1 x64) -> succesfully installed @ abbodi1406: Thx for your support! Great job! Cave: The KB5001392 contains telemetry updates for compatprovider.dll, CompatTelRunner.exe, diagtrack.dll and diagtrackrunner.exe. So if you had telemetry garbage turned off on your system, check after installing KB5001392 to see if the telemetry tasks are still disabled in task scheduler.
In Win7 Just Disable CEIP as per Advised by Abbodi1406 Somewhere on our Forums. only two dword 32 registry value tweak & free to go.
Pl dont take me wrong as Pl dont use a new post just to say thanks . A Click on Like will let the post writer know that a brother has said thanks to him as well liked his post Thant will decrease pages on the actual thread on our MDL forum which will let somebody to easily find a post of his need . i hope you can understand my POV behind such scenario of Case
I've been using the wonderful Bypass since the trial days in 2019. This month (Apr 2021) was the very first time that everything (in this case Security-Quality and malware removal) installed via WU on the very first try on all of the six computers I update monthly. (I've been using ESU11 since it came out.) Can anybody guess why things went so smoothly this month? In any case, thanks again and again to the devs.