I'm sure this is the wrong thread to ask this in but; Will there be any way to make a patch so that Edge & Chrome can keep getting updates on Win7 after their EoS date (on Win7) in Jan. 2022?
dont know for chrome, but pretty sure edge will get extend updates till 01/23 due to the ESU program.
MS has not updated their stance on ending support for Edge on Win7 & is still saying it ends in Jan 2022. And I would put money on it that they won't change it. Since 7 ESUs end at the end of 2022 & they want to start shutting things down on 7 to try to spur moving on to a newer version. And BTW, just like I said in my original post, Google said recently that they will end Chrome support on Win7 the same time Microsoft ends Edge support, which is in January. I told you in my first post when it is, so why would you wildly speculate out your backside about it??????????
Hi, could you tell me if this Bypass works with Windows 7 Ultimate? or just the Professional and Enterprise version?
It actually works for starter, homebasic, homepremium, pro, ultimate and enterprise, but pro, ultimate and enterprise are the officially supported by MSFT SKUs.
So, you mean 7 pro, ultimate and enterprise is not necessary to install the script or buy esu? You "naturally" have updates until 2023?
No, what i said is that the tool works on all win 7 SKUs but officially only Ultimate, Professional and Enterprise are supported by MSFT. And it's best to use the tool only on those SKUs.
Not sure the same will apply but I couldn't get a browser going in XP VM. Put a google browser in that supported XP. I got a warning computer clock was wrong. Snoop around in settings. Exported all the https/ssl certs out of my chrome browser and went to the browser in XP, deleted those and imported mine. Works great now. BTW, several tab of those, make sure you export/import into the same ones. The problems happen when all the certificates are expired.
Thank you. Can somebody please post also updates for Outlook 2016 including the updates for word, excel, power point & publisher
Security Monthly Quality Rollup (KB5006743) Security and Quality Rollup for .NET (KB5006761) .NET 5.0.11 Security Update (KB5007051) Servicing Stack update (5006749) All installed without issue. Thanks again to the team. Win7 Pro x64, Intel Core2 duo E8400, Bypasss ESU v11