Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. vonmir

    vonmir MDL Member

    Dec 8, 2019
    I'm using Bypass v. 11 on two Lenovo S20 Think Stations. On both, WU showed only the Malicious Software Removal Update, but with the kind help of people in this forum, I was able to download KB5008244 from Windows Catalog. It installed OK manually, though I had a scare on the machine last month's .Net Framework Update wiped out.

    This time, when I saw it was trying to start up using the "Repair" function, I immediately hit the power button. When it came back up I chose "Start Windows Normally", and thank God it worked fine.:)
  2. Ulti P. Uszer

    Ulti P. Uszer MDL Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    #6062 Ulti P. Uszer, Dec 14, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2021
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, on POSReady 7 I was able to bring an MSE definition through with WSUS Proxy, but it never finds any "real" updates & after a while WU stops searching after finding nothing & says you're up to date. I can see WSUS running & adding data in the DOS window, but no updates are ever found.
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  3. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    It depends on what version of the ESU patcher you have, and some systems can be temperamental in terms of what is displayed as a result of a successful patch, no matter how many times you reboot.

    You're not doing anything wrong, the ESU patcher was designed to make it possible to install new updates, but does not guarantee automatic detection. Most updates are intended to be installed manually.
    In some cases, there is no way to convince the system to autodetect updates, and the only way to get them in those cases is manual download and install.
    But at least you can install new updates without getting errors now.
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    It actually does patch WU just for that.
    Where do you get this information from?
  5. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    Patch doesn't always work for built-in WU autodetect, but does make it easier to install from a local WSUS server.
    Where do I get that from? Personal experience with years of bad updates and flawed distribution to start with. WU historically fails to detect a number of available and applicable updates, no matter how important, even with a manual /detectnow switch or click to check in the WU interface. Anything that doesn't show up immediately in WU from the internet can often be remedied by a local WSUS server, which communicates better with clients as I've seen. And if a local WSUS server isn't available, and nothing is displayed in WU when you know there are updates available, you know the only way to get it is manual download and install. I can't even tell you how many critical updates years ago were marked "optional" for some reason and I had to go looking for them!
  6. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    This patch is meant for simple WU usage and manual installation, since i was an alpha tester for this tool it always was the aim to have WU detect AND install the updates (when patched) and it did in every instance.
  7. Ulti P. Uszer

    Ulti P. Uszer MDL Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    I don't think you even understand what the hell I'm even talking about. This is not about the ESU patcher or regular versions of Windows 7. This is about a WSUS script that @abbodi1406 made for WES/POS 7.
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  8. whisperalpha

    whisperalpha MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    First of all watch your frickin' language.
    Second, I know what POSReady 7 is. I have a version of it myself I used to screw around with.
    And third, I thought your issue was with the ESU patcher mentioned throughout this thread because that's literally what it's about! Plain discussion of updates goes on a different thread. Most of what goes on here is about compatibility and whether the patch still works every month. If POSready 7 still has access to updates outside of ESU but just isn't finding them, download and install manually. May take longer but at least it works.
  9. Ulti P. Uszer

    Ulti P. Uszer MDL Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    #6069 Ulti P. Uszer, Dec 15, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
    Just 3 pages back in this thread @abbodi1406 made & posted a WSUS script for WES/POS 7 b/c I & several others requested him to, but it seems to have issues. If you can help w/ that fine. If not, then make sure you know what you are commenting on. It seems even @Enthousiast thought you sounded off the wall.
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  10. Blue Zee

    Blue Zee MDL Junior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
    Everything installed smoothly.

    My shared network printer is now working as it should.
  11. billmcct

    billmcct MDL Member

    Aug 13, 2014
    As usual updated fine. Since Feb 2020, I only had one glitch, which was a few months ago and was fixed by installing manually. Strange though, since the advent of "Patch Tuesday" I have never received updates for any of the Win 7 machines I have until Fridays. Today they came on Wednesday. (today)
    Thanks @abbodi1406 for all your hard work keeping Win 7 alive, and to @Enthousiast for all your support.
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  12. Manchita

    Manchita MDL Junior Member

    Feb 9, 2020
    Another Patch Tuesday and another successful problem free update.
    Many, many thanks abbodi1406.:):):)
    (PS:- and my "disappearing updates" problem has never is good again!!)
  13. g2s

    g2s MDL Novice

    Jul 14, 2019
    Hello, WU on my machine hasn't detected any updates for November and December, what do I need to do to fix this? The bypass is installed and until October I was getting updates just fine but now it doesn't seem to find new ones anymore.
  14. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Installed latest SSU KB5006749?
  15. g2s

    g2s MDL Novice

    Jul 14, 2019
    That did the trick: I installed it manually and now WU is regularly showing the December update, thank you very much!
  16. weatherhappy

    weatherhappy MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2021
    Hello ,

    I would like to know is it possible to install a Windows 7 on a computer equipped with a processor:
    Intel Core i7-10750H?

    or is there a modified iso that allows you to install Windows 7 on recent processors please?

    Hope to have some help thank you very much.
  17. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    Use MDL Simplix tool and it will work.
  18. weatherhappy

    weatherhappy MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2021
    Could you explain to me step by step how to do it, please?
  19. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    Did you read the thread?
  20. weatherhappy

    weatherhappy MDL Novice

    Dec 19, 2021
    yes exact but I admit that it is very complicated to understand because I have an ISO but I am lost, I understand that there are modifications to be made but I am lost.

    Can't you make a simpler example please?