Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. peter4heppner

    peter4heppner MDL Junior Member

    Apr 24, 2023
    We have September not yet April ^^
  2. ЯƎHTͶAꟼ

    ЯƎHTͶAꟼ MDL Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2017
    Meh.. somewhere here I found some registry fix cmd command by @abbodi1406 I think it was about to hide obsolete updates (anything about right ordering) but It seems the created .cmd got lost in already deleted test-VM.
    Wanted to ask if I understood correct that is the purpose of it. Because I applied to that live, but WU still showing me very old updates, while latest ESU and stuff is installed. (pre-integrated)
    Maybe there is some other way? Would love to hide all the old stuff somehow... (without doing manually I mean)
  3. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    WU will show old updates if you installed latest ESU Monthly Rollup, and did not install WU ESU Patcher (or WSUS Proxy)
  4. ЯƎHTͶAꟼ

    ЯƎHTͶAꟼ MDL Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2017
    #8124 ЯƎHTͶAꟼ, Sep 27, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
    Thanks a lot, will try out as soon my system let me. o_O (RAM issues, other VM opened doing stuff, install crashes)


    Mh still not worked. Not sure what went wrong. Will start from the scratch I guess. What I did:

    1. Taking normal ultimate sp2 refresh en-us-ISOs (x86, x64)

    1. Setup Win7 x64 VM installed from old Simplix AIO ISO (Win10 1607 boot.wim)
    2. Installed Win8.1 and Win10 1607 ADK Deployment Tools into it
    3. Download WHDownloader + NTLite Updates (included ESO ones)+ Komm Updates (for installed System)
    4. Uses WHDownloader function to remove official supersed ones
    5. Used ESO_Bypass on the wims from extraced ISO folders
    6. Used W7MUI (with DISM from Win8.1) to integrate all LP stuff
    7. Used WHD-W7UI to integrate all the Updates + Extras etc. (DISM detected Win10 DISM +Cleanup)
    8. Used MDL Tool (Simplix Stuff without Simplix UP.exe, but all the rest)

    Even with WU-ESU-Patcher, (Server) restart, still shows me like 20 new updates.

    9. Read the readme from WU-ESU-Patcher integrated the missing updates + latest ESU LCU again
    (Some like the kb4575903 it said were already detected as installed)
    10. WU-ESU-Patcher again (Server), restart.

    Still shows like 20 new server updates i+ any 20 optional ones (no LPs)
  5. ЯƎHTͶAꟼ

    ЯƎHTͶAꟼ MDL Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2017
    #8125 ЯƎHTͶAꟼ, Sep 29, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
    Will set me up new VM, Will not remove supersed ones and use MDL Script at the end.
    Wish me luck it works this time. :)

    Ohyeah I also found back the reg one (was in some subfolder of older created ISOs "finished1")
  6. aurgathor

    aurgathor MDL Novice

    Oct 1, 2024
    I think I'm bit late to start with Bypass ESU, but better late than never, and I just tried v12 on a fresh install. After live installing all provided updates but Edge, I installed the previously downloaded list of listed prerequisites (only 2 since the others were already installed). For bypass ESU I used option 1, and according to the feedback, everything went fine.

    However, after checking for new updates, I only got 3 rollup packages -- two for .Net framework and one for Win 7.

    Is this expected? I'm not sure how many updates I supposed to receive, but this is a bit less than expected, even with the three rollups in there. Any idea on what's happening?
  7. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Yes, ESU only provide 3 updates: Monthly Rollup, .NET Rollup, Servicing stack update

    which updates you got?
    you need the standalone WU ESU Patcher to receive latest updates
  8. aurgathor

    aurgathor MDL Novice

    Oct 1, 2024
    These: (3 important, 1 recommended)
    2022-10 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 for Windows 7 for x64 (KB5018547)
    2022-01 Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB50107
    2022-12 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 for Windows 7 for x64 (KB5021091)
    2023-01 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB5022338)
  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Yes, this list is correct for the "WU ESU Patcher" included with BypassESU v12

    use the standalone "WU ESU Patcher" to get Server 2008 R2 or Embedded 7 updates

    or wait for BypassESU v13 soon (next month maybe), it will included updated "WU ESU Patcher"
  10. TheQuickFox

    TheQuickFox MDL Novice

    Dec 9, 2019
    #8130 TheQuickFox, Oct 4, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2024
    This month, Oct 2024, the last updates for Windows 7 Embedded will arrive. And as far as I know this will be the final update for Windows 7 to be released.
    Meaning that this month, the Final release of Windows 7 will occur.

    Perhaps, with more than 15 years of monthly patches, the last bug in Windows 7 will finally have been patched and we can live in peaceful bliss forever. Or maybe not. We'll have to see about that. :)

    So this Patch Tuesday, go update all your Windows 7 systems for the last time and give a small thank you to the people of BypassESU that made this all accessible to regular Windows 7 installs.

    Update: It looks like we get an extension to 2026 if we install the updates for Windows Server 2008 R2 as indicated in the replies further on!
  11. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    I'm looking forward to it.
  12. Andrew96

    Andrew96 MDL Novice

    Mar 4, 2021
    Im tryna install the last update for windows 7 (KB5022338) but it keeps throwing me the error "8024200D"

    Already tried:
    - Downloading it manually from Microsoft Update Catalog
    - Resetting Windows Update via the script
    - Stopping and restarting "wuauserv" service
    - Restarting the PC a countless amount of times

    Nothing Worked! Can someone help me please?

    I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Italian, all other updates installed fine, BypassESU v12

    (PS, can't boot into safe mode cuz im in audit mode, wanted to make a fully updated ISO file)
  13. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    Nope ... last update are in 2026 ( use server 2008R2 update

    Why 2026 ? Because software assurance... ( only for windows 7 64 bits )
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    #8135 pm67310, Oct 7, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2024
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  15. enesalpa

    enesalpa MDL Member

    Feb 5, 2010
    Excuse me everybody, but I don't understand.

    Finally the updates for Windows 7 all versions (64) definitely end tomorrow, or one can continue using the Windows Server 2008 SP2 / Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2012 / Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows Server 2016 updates for the same purpose?

  16. Tito

    Tito Admin / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009

    Only Server 2008 R2, because it is based on the same kernel (NT 6.1).
  17. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    You have to check C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log (and other persistent logs) to see the error details