Why it not recommanded to install this ESU ?? I'm french so may be I have not understand all the last discussions ? Please help me
It depends on whether your machine has all the previous updates. If it does, you don't need the Rollups. All they do is put you up today before today's update. It doesn't matter whether you're single or married.
Apparently, people have had problems with it. (Computer translation: Apparemment, les gens ont eu des problèmes avec cela.)
the KB4539601 update is not ESU, it's just a normal patch that was supposed to fix black screen from previous update. The first ESU is supposed to be released today, no one knows the kb name of it.
@abbodi1406 thanks for the first ESU, I was looking forward to it. i just tried to install it and it was installed successfully on my win7 pro 64bit machine.
You're welcome. There's also this one: 2020-02 Servicing Stack Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB4537829) Windows 7 Security Updates 2/10/2020 n/a 9.1 MB
So for short you need: The March 12, 2019 servicing stack update (SSU) (KB4490628). The latest SHA-2 update (KB4474419) released September 10, 2019. The January 14, 2020 SSU (KB4536952) or later. Install Bypass The Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package (KB4538483) released February 11, 2020. Group B KB4537813 Security Only Quality update for Windows 7 - Feb. 11 Group A After installing the items above, Microsoft strongly recommends that you install the latest SSU (KB4537829). If you are using Windows Update, the latest SSU will be offered to you automatically if you are an ESU customer. That will be KB4537820 Security Monthly Quality Rollup update Windows 7 - Feb 11 And the (KB4537767) Internet Explorer 11 x64