Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. Ulti P. Uszer

    Ulti P. Uszer MDL Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    #1121 Ulti P. Uszer, Feb 12, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
    @Enthousiast Same here the Rollup failed, but the other 3 installed.

    EDIT: I really wish a thread official here would list the ESUs, because I just releised the it was January's preview that failed & that I had not even downloaded or tried the Feb. roll up. There are wayyyyyyyyy tooooooooooo many garbage posts in this thread.

    Edit #2: The Feb. Rollup did install for me.
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  2. quywz

    quywz MDL Member

    Jun 30, 2017
    #1122 quywz, Feb 12, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
    Why not install KB4537767 for win7 sp1

    1.Run KB4537767.msu,It show install sucess.
    2.restart windows.Configure the windows update setting that show fail in 62%.

    Before run KB4537767,Already installed KB4490628 and KB4537829(Servicing stack update for Windows 7 SP1,February 11, 2020) and BypassESU-v4.

    KB4536952 has been replaced by KB4537829.
  3. Lucergiana

    Lucergiana MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2020
    I successfully installed the following on Windows 7 Home Premium. Note that between each patch, I ran the ESU patch again. There were some comments that the flag was being reset after KB installs.
    ESU patch
  4. fylgja

    fylgja MDL Novice

    Jan 27, 2020
    Windows 7 Pro (32bit) Bypass:SLC-mode
    1. KB4538483 (ESU-LPP) success
    2. KB4537829 (SSU) success
    3. KB4537820 (Rollup) failed
    4. KB4537820 (Rollup) success after uninstall KB4537829 (SSU)
    latest SSU is Bypass-killer :)

    Thank you for your great work !
    FIY: superUser 4.0 was released.
  5. fylgja

    fylgja MDL Novice

    Jan 27, 2020
    KB2533552 is old SSU(Servicing Stack Update).
    you can install KB4536952(SSU Jan-2020) from catalogue.
  6. Mazufa

    Mazufa MDL Junior Member

    Dec 28, 2019
    Since google translator is pretty misleading so could anyone tell me what are the ESU update numbers that should have come to me yesterday as well?

    I got some updates yesterday, but I'm not sure if they are ESU updates. Sorry for my poor english skills because i have to use google translator.
  7. patrickdrd

    patrickdrd MDL Novice

    Dec 9, 2019
    I installed KB4537820 (Rollup) and after restart I opened windows update to see if it was installed and
    there were 4 more updates to install with a total of around 10mb,
    why did that happen? maybe because my installation is enterprise/ultimate or something?
    so I didn't need the bypass script?
  8. MSWindowsUser

    MSWindowsUser MDL Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2020
    OK, so, if I'm understanding all the posts so far correctly...

    Download, then run, the installer for the newest version (4.7) of the bypass. (Is it necessary to uninstall whatever version of the bypass we've had installed up to now before installing v4.7?)
    Then, according to talbin's post, download, then run, the installer for Monthly Rollup (KB4537820). According to him, it will contain the other patches; not sure what patches he's referring to. I'm assuming he means at least Security Only (KB4537813) & Internet Explorer 11 Cumulative Updates (KB4537767). Not sure if it also means the licensing prep package.

    Now, we are not to touch Servicing Stack Update (KB4537829), as that will break v4.7 of the bypass; we have to wait until the next new version of the bypass (either v4.? or v5.?) is released, then install that before installing the SSU. It is also not needed/required to get the Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package (KB4538483), as that's only for Win7 users who have purchased an ESU key.

    Anyone care to chime in to advise me on what I stated?
  9. KB4537813, KB4537767, KB4537820. You'd only have to install the third one listed as I believe that has the other KBs put into it (because it's a security rollup). The first is security-only and the other a security update for Internet Explorer 11.

    What updates did you receive? I got four myself but they were two for Office, Windows Defender and MSRT (but that was before I got the other updates manually).

    Also, even if there may be a new bypass released, I'm still sticking with the current one, especially when I knew already not to install the SSU.
  10. lois_griffin

    lois_griffin MDL Novice

    Jan 18, 2020
    Win7 Updates coming today!
    Works great,
    very Thx
  11. Mazufa

    Mazufa MDL Junior Member

    Dec 28, 2019

    I did not have any of these three updates installed: KB4537813, KB4537767, KB4537820

    I have now installed this update KB4537813, and my intention is to manually install the update the other two.

    My computer, however, the user profile viottui during the update and I've lost all my files :( I have fortunately the backup bank safety deposit box.

    Why aren't updates coming to me through Windows Update? Why do I have to install them manually.
  12. nuhuh

    nuhuh MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2013
  13. Well, I installed it anyway so, you think I should remove it or not?
  14. jonnyuk

    jonnyuk MDL Novice

    Dec 7, 2014
    Had some updates yesterday and seem a bit different kb4539601 kb2952664 kb3118401. Had all the updates done from January including the bypass. Will i need to reinstall the bypass and how come there's different updates.
  15. snoot

    snoot MDL Novice

    Feb 20, 2016
    To make simple REALLY SIMPLE:

    Once Bypass v4 is installed and confirmed working (per KB4528069 test file), do the following for all Windows 7 setups:

    - Install KB4537813 (Windows Security-Only Update)
    - Install KB4537767 (Internet Explorer 11 Cumulative Update)

    - Avoid KB4537820 (Windows Security Monthly Quality Rollup) >> Use KB4537813 (above) and Security-Only Updates instead of Rollups to avoid telemetry triggers and other undisclosed surprises from MS!
    - Avoid KB4538483 (Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package) >> not necessary or required!
    - Avoid KB4537829 (Servicing Stack Update) >> breaks Bypass!

    That's it!
  16. MSWindowsUser

    MSWindowsUser MDL Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2020
    Thank you for, more or less, answering my question.
    User talbin had posted that the monthly rollup already contained the other, as he called them, "patches" (I suppose his term for updates). I wasn't sure what he meant by "the other patches", but you thankfully provided the answer to that.

    As far as the licensing prep package, I had kinda figured it wasn't necessary to go after that (because no one here can get an ESU key), but I wasn't completely sure, since it sounded like there were some users here that did go for it.

    And, I listened and understood completely the directive given to not go after the Feb SSU, as that would break the current version (4.7) of the bypass.

    So, at this point, for most of us (since I would figure quite a lot already have the Jan SSU & the most current version of the bypass installed) I guess all that's to be done now, after getting the monthly rollup (for those in group A), or the Security-only & IE updates (for group B) is to wait until the next version of the bypass that will allow the Feb 2020 SSU to be installed, then afterwards, wait until the March 2020 ESUs.