Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. CrEdge

    CrEdge MDL Novice

    Feb 12, 2020
    Would've liked a quick confirmation, but nothing like trying it yourself I guess... A bit inconvenient reproducing the result again, but looks like you don't need any reboots in between. March will be fun.

    *Probably was alluded to multiple times now actually, but making sure is worthwhile if you've got the time IMO.
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Can you please stop posting offtopic stuff here? I gave you the link to the telemetry thread by @abbodi1406 and all non ESU Bypass stuff can be asked in the windows 7 part of the forum.
  3. johnspack

    johnspack MDL Novice

    Dec 7, 2010
    Thanks for this, nice! It will help some of my more stubborn friends out. Tested on 2 installs so far, 2nd one was a vm I created in April 2019. I simply ran regular WU and got up to the Jan 14 SSU. Then I ran this bypass.
    Then applied the "test" kb4528069. Then I applied the Feb monthly rollup, Jan and Feb security rollup and Feb ie rollup. All working. I went to linux myself after win7, but at least some can hold off for now!
  4. Tito69

    Tito69 MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2019

    Thank you for your answer ! On my windows update KB890830 window is listed for the month of February can I install it anyway? Then for KB4539601 if it is not reliable I have to install it manually? Because this KB is not offered in the WU window? And my last question is should I remove the bypassv4 to receive and install the updates better or can I keep it? thank you very much in advance for your help
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    This is all been discussed many times.

    KB4539601 is the preview of the monthly rollup, from feb. 6. 2020, pre ESU
  6. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Your posts are a bit incoherent, aren't they?
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Honestly, either you are drunk typing or just trolling...
  8. snoot

    snoot MDL Novice

    Feb 20, 2016
    Capewa you are now on your way to bliss and eternal nirvana. Alas, Enthousiast is likely on his way to another drink. :D w00t
  9. Tito69

    Tito69 MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2019

    Many times also I explained to you that it is difficult for me to understand everything because I am a beginner and that translations based on computer methods are not precise and make my task even more complicated then if you do not want to take time to help me and tell me that we have already talked about this so it is better that you do not answer me and that you ignore me. In addition I was not talking to you
  10. Runaway666

    Runaway666 MDL Novice

    Jan 12, 2020
    Excuse the stupid question, but with all the updates and the bypass installed now the route is to use the update catalogue to install the ESUs rather than WU? Whether it works is then determined if the system allows installation?
    Why not include a check.bat that verifies which updates are installed and whether the system is setup for ESU?(that is assuming there is a clear condition to test this on)
  11. snoot

    snoot MDL Novice

    Feb 20, 2016
    Language barriers do make things more difficult, that's for sure. Your English is quite good though, so no problems there in regards to communications. KB890830 is offered regularly, in fact every month, so that's where the confusion may lie. And yes, you can install that update with confidence any time it appears in your Windows Updater (WU), even if you installed it at some earlier point. Whether we will continue to see that one offered via WU only time will tell. More than likely it will become but another exclusive MS Updates Catalog download for all of us unwashed Bypass users. You can find it sitting there comfortably as we speak.

    As for KB4539601, yes you can install that one too. This is the January 31 Preview of the February Monthly Rollup. But as was stated earlier, this one was superseded by the February Monthly Rollup KB4537820 so if you already installed KB4537820, there is no need to install KB4539601 any longer since both are cumulative updates, and related (overlapping) to each other (digital incestuousness so to speak, though I don't know how well that translates into French → numérique ménage à trois, er, deux? :p:oops:). You can hide it instead (right click, hide update). Both of these updates will correct the so called black screen problem introduced when KB4534310 (the January "Quality" *cough* Rollup) was rolled out.

    Now if you experience any problems as you move along, you can always remove the Bypass fix. Wait till next month at this same approximate time (that is, on patch Tuesday [= second Tuesday] in March) to see what measures or tweaks may be needed regarding the Bypass going forward -- yes right here, same place, same time. Per the OP, an alternative bypass package is being prepared by a very crafty team of elves as we speak. Hope this helps mon ami.
  12. Kirklang

    Kirklang MDL Novice

    Dec 9, 2019
  13. liam2

    liam2 MDL Junior Member

    Jun 23, 2009
    Hi snoot, thanks for answering, but maybe you are wrong. I decided to test it, so on a virtual machine I selected the “Stretch” wallpaper option, then I installed the january Rollup KB4534310, and after that I got a black desktop. Then I installed the February security only KB4537813 and after a restart I have my wallpaper showing on the desktop again with the stretch option still selected.
  14. Skunk1966

    Skunk1966 MDL Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    I wish someone from staff would clean this topic by removing all off-topic and irrelevant comments
  15. KaranoKyoukai

    KaranoKyoukai MDL Novice

    Jan 18, 2020
    #1417 KaranoKyoukai, Feb 15, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
    Isn't that only worthwhile if you never installed any rollups before? What about the people that have been installing rollups for years?

    I checked the guide, it really is alot of work to switch, we are talking about tons of updates released each month since 2016, there's also the risk that you might mess up somewhere or that something could go wrong.
  16. nicolast

    nicolast MDL Novice

    Jan 8, 2020
    Ok. I'm sorry I missed or couldn't remenber your earlier post. I found your tip copied on other sites. Thank you for replying. Great you managed to install Feb SSU too.
  17. craftech

    craftech MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2020
    craftech said:
    I even tried restoring the Bak file it created renaming the new (temporary) profile in the registry. It simply recreated it upon reboot hosing the boot files. Something isn't right.
    Not sure what's causing your boot files to get nicked and that temporary profile to be created, but it's highly doubtful it's the Bypass or more would be complaining about this. Before trying to set things right with registry tweaks, did you try a second reboot immediately after the first to see if your profile was recreated correctly? Often times that's all it takes. Beyond that, who knows what's going on there. Maybe bring back more feedback as you try a few more things.
    I tried rebooting. Same thing. THEN I tried messing with profiles. I know the rollup works because I have an ESU license for another computer and it installed perfectly. When I said in that post that I first installed all the required updates I was referring to Microsoft's required updates. I installed the same updates for both the computer with the licensed ESU and the one with the Bypass.