Have you used the script in the right way ? you have to copy these lines and put them in notepad text and rename it to whatever name you want with extension.bat, for example WU.bat : then put the needed updates and the bat file into a folder and all you will need to do is to run the bat file and the updates should be installed automatically. Tested again and no problem from my side.
Because you didn't change the update names in the script to the actual ones. My attempt to a script was totally f**ked up, mixed up the lines.
Which is the right one? Because if the next ESU updates have to be installed manually one at a time it's going to be a huge job and time if you install Windows 7 SP1 January 2020 from scratch.
ok try now with this script and see the result : you proceed in the same way as before, you put the needed updates and the bat file into a folder and you run the bat file and updates should be installed automatically.
If you want install from scratch, it is better to integrate all the ESU updates in the ISO image before installing.
Yes, but I don't want to make a new ISO every month... only adding to the script the new updates of every month.
Then the problem is from your side my friend. It seems that you are not doing things correctly. Again, i tested this script and it is working fine. Did you follow instructions i described in my previous messages ? You need to rename the text file to wathever name you want with BAT extension. Have you changed .txt extension to .bat extension before running the script ?
Yes exactly as you said. I have two different machines with x86 and x64, with different hardware. If I install every update manually it goes well in both.
Hello, Is there a way to remove KB4537829 after installing it? In the control panel It can't be uninstalled
There is no need to uninstall SSU KB4537829. It will be required for future updates. Instead of that: - Uninstall the BypassESU v4 (no more needed). - Install KB4528069-Lite (if the full KB4528069 is not already installed) and you are done.