I have to say that I still don't understand if it's fully reversible. I tried serveral times during the last days. Without a restart, the message won't appear, but I have nothing new in my Windows updates; I don't see anything but the "Done".
Enthousiast has changed the tutorial in this regard (btw. thank you!), but since I keep reading it that some installing both: CU Updates for IE (like KB4537767) are included in the monthly rollup, so no need to install them extra! But (as also already mentioned here) donĀ“t forget further updates like for the .net framework, which follows the lifecycle policy of the parent OS, and must therefore now also be installed manually.
You mean my Windows install? I installed several on 15.01, one on 12.02 and KB4539601 on 18.02, the same day I tried the pack.
Latest attempt: ================================================================================= Original attempt: Feb 14 "Tried this twice with same result: 1. All Microsoft prerequisite updates installed. 2. Ran Bypass correctly 3. Downloaded February monthly rollup 4. Ran installer 5. Boot files hosed causing logon with temporary profile. 6. System Restore I even tried restoring the Bak file it created renaming the new (temporary )profile in the registry It simply recreated it upon reboot hosing the boot files. Something isn't right." ================================================================================= Was told to try the Lite version. ================================================================================= Today: Downloaded KB4528069-Lite and extracted to simple path. 1. Ran the online installer as an administrator 2. First attempt it wouldn't install because it said it couldn't find the necessary registry key 2. Second attempt it installed. I rebooted. But KB4528069 is nowhere to be found. 3. Did a search of installed updates - not there 4. Did a complete registry search. Only references to the downloaded Zip file appeared. It did Not install. I am not having any luck with this at all. =================================================================================== Follow-up: As per advice below I downloaded the x64 KB4528069 rollup and installed it. 1. Restart 2. Preparing to configure Windows 3. Updates install 4. Shut down and reboot 5. Preparing to configure Windows 6. Welcome 7. Preparing desktop 8. You have been logged in with a temporary profile. Exactly the same as with the Bypass ESU when I installed the rollup. Same hosing. Thank God for System Restore
= the preview of the rollup, from before ESU stage. I am looking what the exact prerequisite updates were.
That's normal, when using the lite version, the update KB4528069 does not appear in the installed updates list. Install now ESU updates (feb SSU + feb Rollup OR Feb SSU + Security only) and if they are installed, you're fine.
I don't know who advised you to just run the lite version after you already ran the full bypass. The kbnr won't turn up anywhere, because it isn't installed by the lite version, the lite version is called lite because of that, it only installs the reg keys and other files that do the same as the full kb install would do.
OK Thanks. I'll download and install feb SSU + feb Rollup and hopefully it won't hose my boot files so I have to System Restore again.
I didn't advise that, but you know how to recover from it now. I ran xxx beta tests and never saw my boot being f**ked up because of this.
So, when you run the lite version after a reboot, the Lite version installed? Can you re-run the Lite version and make a sshot of the process (let me run a test first i ran a test and this shouldn't do any extra harm)? PS, There won't be any ESU updates on WU atm.
Following the posted instructions, I installed the bypass. Next, tried to install KB4528069 in preparation for uninstalling the bypass and installing the February updates. Windows Update Standalone Installer gave me a message that "this update is not applicable to your computer." Tried to search this thread but didn't find anything similar. Anyone have a suggestion. O. N.
I just followed the tutorial, with BypassESU-v4. Everything seems to be ok My questions now: - On previous tutorials, we were told to install KB4538483. Not needed, anymore? - Once the tutorial is followed... we will receive updates when using Windows Update, as before?