Atm it doesn't do anything for the bypass users, and no official tutorial ever advised to install it. No, ESU updates won't appear on WU atm.
1. Restart 2. Preparing to configure Windows 3. Updates install 4. Shut down and reboot 5. Preparing to configure Windows 6. Welcome 7. Preparing desktop 8. You have been logged in with a temporary profile.
I am going to reinstall Lite version (My restore point was before that) and try again. It was installed before I tried the Bypass ESU so I don't think it will matter.
It's one of the prerequisite updates, it needs to be installed before the bypass or lite version is installed.
KB4490628 Never mind. Indicated wrong SSU. The correct SSU is KB4490628 and it is and was installed all along. Sorry for the confusion. So with Proper SSU installed, Lie and Bypass hose my profile and recreate the desktop when I install the Feb rollup.
Never mind. Indicated wrong SSU. The correct SSU is KB4490628 and it is and was installed all along. Sorry for the confusion. So with Proper SSU installed, Lie and Bypass hose my profile and recreate the desktop when I install the Feb rollup. How do I delete this double post? Don't see that option. Requesting deletion of double post. Thanks
Most members can't delete their posts, you can delete the content or report it and ask for deletion. Can you run this for me, and post the txt in code tags here? Code: dism /online /get-Packages /format:table >"%userprofile%\Desktop\Packages.txt"
Tried installing Lite version and then Security only update windows6.1-kb4537813-x64_9747e7510da5a465ee86597bb35da721bb364785 Error Message. "This update is not applicable to your computer". So fail on that one too.
If kb4537813 is successfully installed, then all should be working. I didn't follow all advise mehdiblue gave you before, so it can be all screwed now.