Bypass Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Eligibility

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. bansheeat

    bansheeat MDL Novice

    Feb 22, 2020
    Hello, I am new to this forum and this topic, but just want to know, if I have to install the Windows 7 Updates from Microsoft Update Catalog or do they come as regular Updates through Update Search - Control Panel (after using the lite Version for ESU bypass) ?
  2. hamdoullah

    hamdoullah MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    KB4537829 is necessary to be able to instal next March Rollup ESU so it must be installed.
    Now that you installed the bypass and installed original KB4528069 you need to uninstall the bypass by clicking on "remover.bat" because KB4537829 breaks the bypass so by uninstalling the bypass you wil be able to install KB4537829 and install next march rollup ESU.
  3. hamdoullah

    hamdoullah MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    Take a look at first page my friend. you will find there all the needed information.
  4. bansheeat

    bansheeat MDL Novice

    Feb 22, 2020
    Thank you, I already saw that. I installed the Lite Version, but after that I did not offer me any updates. So I installed this update KB4537829 from Microsoft Update Catalog. For Example do I need these Updates ? And do I have to wait till they come through WU ?

  5. hamdoullah

    hamdoullah MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    you won't receive ESU updates through WU, you need to install them manually.
    Now that you installed Lite Version, you can either choose to install (Feb SSU kb4537829 + Feb Rollup KB4537820) OR install (Feb SSU kb4537829 + Security only KB4537813 + IE11 KB4537767)
    You don't need KB4537767 if you don't use IE11.
  6. Bill_Boquet

    Bill_Boquet MDL Junior Member

    Feb 5, 2012
  7. bansheeat

    bansheeat MDL Novice

    Feb 22, 2020
    Thank you very much, you are all very helpful ;)
  8. hamdoullah

    hamdoullah MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    No problem my friend, anytime :)
  9. Basilio1

    Basilio1 MDL Novice

    Oct 21, 2017
    Thanks hamdoullah for the advice
    Just to be sure --so AFTER uninstalling the ESU bypass KB4528069 and then installing KB4537829 will I need to reinstall the ESU bypass KB4528069 or should I leave it as is?
  10. hamdoullah

    hamdoullah MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    No, don't uninstall KB4528069, just uninstall the bypass with "remover.bat" and then install KB4537829 and you will be fine.
  11. Basilio1

    Basilio1 MDL Novice

    Oct 21, 2017
    Thanks again Hamdoullah
    I will not uninstall the bypass only use the remover but to be clear after the KB4537829 is installed should I reactivate the KB4528069 or just leave it alone? Sorry if I am sounding repetitive.
  12. hamdoullah

    hamdoullah MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    No, as i said, uninstall only the bypass and leave KB4528069 as it is.
  13. oldie#1

    oldie#1 MDL Novice

    Feb 20, 2020
    Just an observation but isn't it far more straightforward to use KB4528069 Lite rather than the ESU Bypass tool and then messing around having to remove it etc.Just ensure before running KB4528069 Lite that you have the Jan SSU installed but not the Feb SSU, then install the Feb SSU after running it. Doing this would have prevented most of the issues people are reporting.
  14. Basilio1

    Basilio1 MDL Novice

    Oct 21, 2017
    Thanks hamdoullah. Sorry, I was getting the Bypass and KB4528069 confused. So I will just remove the bypass and then afterwards leave it as is waiting for the March updates.
  15. hamdoullah

    hamdoullah MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    No problem my friend. always ready to help when time allows. :)
    Hopefully MS won't find out about that way to suppress win7 ESU check so win7 free users can continue to receive next ESU. If they do, we can count on @abbodi1406 to find a workaround :)
  16. craftech

    craftech MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2020
    Tried Bypass ESU again instead of Lite version Tried the security only update. It installed and it too hosed my profile in my UAC leaving me with a temporary profile. So no matter whether I try the Feb rollup or the security only update or whether I use the full bypass or the Lite version my profile gets hosed and I have to do a system restore.
    I appreciate all the help, but it is looking like this isn't going to work on my system (for whatever reason). I may have to just be careful or purchase an USU license like I did on my editing computer.
  17. hamdoullah

    hamdoullah MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    Restore again your machine to an earlier date before bypass and lite version were installed (btw i don't know why you installed both versions, it's not recomanded to use both, it's either the one or the other) then make sure that jan ssu KB4536952 is installed (i suggest to uninstall it and reinstall it again) and after that, you install again lite version and try to install ESU updates and see what happens.
    Again install either (Feb SSU kb4537829 + Feb Rollup KB4537820) OR install (Feb SSU kb4537829 + Security only KB4537813 + IE11 KB4537767).
    If it does not work, you will have to wait for someone else's help.
  18. snoot

    snoot MDL Novice

    Feb 20, 2016

    Before purchasing an ESU license, I'd confirm this problem actually relates to the Bypass. The timing may simply be a coincidence. User profile corruption can be caused by a whole gamut of things, and isn't always easy to correct. Are you still getting any updates in WU? Can you install them without the temp profile rearing its head upon restart? If you remove all traces of the Bypass, can you consistently restart your system without the temp profile appearing? As a test of sorts, you could try to install some reasonably large sized program, reboot, check if your profile is ok, then uninstall it afterwards and check again. That way you'll have a better idea if it is a bigger issue you're experiencing than just the bypass introduction.

    Are you noticing any unusual notifications in Event Viewer, both before and after the temp profile is created?

    If I were you, I'd also run a registry cleaner (CCleaner or the like). And since you already performed System File Checker, I'd go ahead and run a Check Disk [chkdsk /f]. You could also once again look at the Profile List in the registry and eliminate redundant entries. If none of these things work, perhaps create a new user profile. Sometimes by doing so, and after logging into it, then logging off it, then waiting a minute or so, when you re-log back into your original profile, the temp profile issue will clear itself. Or as a last resort, just carry your user data over to the new profile and use it instead. Any one of these things may do the trick.

    I'm yet to be convinced the Bypass is actually causing this issue, for the same reason I stated initially. But maybe after doing these things, you'll have a clearer idea.
  19. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #1780 Enthousiast, Feb 23, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
    It's added to the official tutorial, which is linked at the OP:
    ps, here you reported that you installed the bypass and the full update.
    That's why you got the message about it already being installed.

    And if the full update has been installed, you don't need nor are advised to install the lite version after it.