Are these two cabs inside the bin folder? Code: 0e28e79b0caa45d5d2c03a0cd034625b46546725 * 858c83f333f6ca0d57d0d506960c68335ff63337 *
Yes they are there. Sorry for false alarm, see my post above yours. For whatever reason a subdirectory it was trying to find in c:\windows was missing so I manually created it.
I have Windows 7 family Premium x64 KB4528069 installed with BypassESU V4 on 01/27/20 ok BypassESU V4 uninstalled on 02/14/20 and KB4537820 installed manually ok (i am waiting for KB4537829) BypassESU V5 AIO installed today , option 3 Install WU ESU Patcher ok KB4538483 manually installed ok check WU offered updates KB4524752 ?! (for W7 PRO) haha ok I hide the update after offer ESU updates via WU KB4537829 WOOW ! yes it works thank you again for your work, you are great , let's go to Mars.. sorry i'm french, my english is bad.
Glad that all worked out eventually I am learning to code, i can only find these lines about the failing update in the Live installer script: Code: echo. ^<assemblyIdentity name="Package_for_KB4528069" version="" language="neutral" processorArchitecture="%xPA%" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" /^> echo. ^<source location="%%configsetroot%%\" /^> Somewhere @abbodi1406 set that folder as sourcefolder, i can't find it atm, hoping he will clear this up
Yeah on this system the 'configsetroot' source location was pointing to c:\windows\configsetroot\ instead of the bin folder for the update package that was part of the download.
Well, I followed the directions in the first post concerning installing v5 of the bypass: installed the licensing prep pkg, then ran the LiveOS version of the installer (selecting the Windows Update patcher option, since I already had the test update, a.k.a. ESU Suppressor, installed; of course, the WU patcher option was the only option that showed up for me, since I already had the suppressor installed). Afterwards, I ran Windows Update & only one update showed up; the EOL notification update for Windows 7 Professional. I figured I didn't need that since I had already gotten the EOL notify thing for Windows 7 Home Premium (the version of Windows 7 that's on the computer I use), so I hid the EOL notify for Win7 Pro update. Then, ran WU again, and nothing showed up the second time. So, I suppose I'll find out if the install of v5 of the bypass was truly successful by if March's SSU & the March monthly rollup show up in WU on the second Tuesday of next month.
@rylan @Enthousiast Normally, %configsetroot% variable should be exist or set globally on Win 7 unless Win 7 was installed with autounattend.xml that used that option (and even then, it should have been cleaned after installation) so anyway, it's side-effect
Hi to all, I just got 83 updates yesterday after installing v4 the week before. I'm hoping that's a good thing...?
Bypass v4 doesn't affect WU. So you shouldn't have any ESU updates from Windows Update unless you use the newer v5. These 84 updates are probably the security updates (or rollups) that you missed throughout the previous months back when Windows 7 was still supported from Microsoft.
Hi, I've already installed KB4528069 and successfully used ESU Bypass v4. I had all pre-requisites installed and I followed the tutorial for ESU Bypass v5 by Enthousiast. I rebooted, checked WU, and nothing was offered. I stopped wuauservice and deleted "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution", and I was offered 6 new updates! Thank you very much to all the devs and people who are helping for this amazing tool! I've been following this thread since its creation and I' ve been trying to read every trouble-shooting comment, but it's hard to read through every comment, so I'm sorry if this was already asked: in order to get new future updates, is net necessary to stop wuauservice and delete the SoftwareDistribution folder every time you want to check WU?
No, it was not even needed this time, a simple reboot was the first option to do, if then still no ESU updates appeared on WU, reset WU was the next option, and that is only needed one time.
Well, I tried to do that, but I got an error saying that WU couldn't get run. I can't remember what the error number was, but only after I deleted that folder did I get offered the updates. I ask this question because, after rebooting, I can see that the folder is already in place.
On the reboot the softwaredistribution is created by windows. Now it's all working, no need to redo it for this purpose
Great! Thank you! Now that I have rebooted, I can't see the previous updates, only the six newest ones recently installed. I reckon this is normal, right? And can I delete the unpacked BypassESU-v5-AIO or is it necessary for future updates?
Yes, after deleting the softwaredistribution folder all update history is deleted too, only "installed updates" will still show all installed updates. You can delete it, or keep it safe for any future need.
v4 and the Lite version are replaced by v5 and from its readme: Code: * An alternative approach to suppress Extended Security Updates eligibility check for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Thx for the quick reply, on my test W7 SP1 Pro v5 doenst work, but Lite does. v5 generates this: Installing ESU Suppressor . . . Tool zur Abbildverwaltung für die Bereitstellung Version: 6.1.7601.24499 Abbildversion: 6.1.7601.24499 Fehler: 3 Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. Die DISM-Protokolldatei befindet sich unter "C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log". ==== ERROR ==== Failed installing KB4528069 Package. restart the system and try again. Press any key to exit. German language machine ....