yep...Got it...You know I was gunna chop off the back bit,I thought it didn't look right.. Bored ??? No chance. Love messing Surprised nobody else has had a go...
Here we go.... Cropped the image. ( Well to be honest,it's just masked. The profesional way to do things you know ) ( Ark at me... } Lost the spray. ectra text added.. Hows it looking ? Dont worry about asking for changes......We'll have just how you want it !!
Been messing,trying to get the gun into more of an actual "T" shape.. What I did was to clone a part of the handle and copy it a few times then merge them all together and join it onto the body. I aint too sure to be honest... Plus I have done a complete new one at business card size. See what you recon.. I just printed a card size one out,just onto plain white paper. Looked Ok really. Any how. Tale a look. Tell we what you recon. Dont hold back.. Ohhh yes, added a little drop shadow to the gun just to make it pop,as it were...Like ?
Yknow what.....I actually quiet bloody like that. Its a little different to the image i had in my head, but they always are, thats why its in yer head not on paper. This is looking damn fine my little peegree chum.... Gonna print one out on a card and see the results and figure text size etc for other crap that goes on one. Thanx tnx, we close...veeeeeeeeery close
Glad you like it.... Do you have Photoshop installed ? I ask cause there might be some text you wish to add,email and phone which you dont want everybody seing. I could let you have the .psd file so you could esily add these. I would do it no bother if you like..... It would be great to be able to print on the front and back. Put the image on the front and the contact details on the back.....Tricky me thinks..
Well I have messed a bit more. Moved the drop shadow on the text out a bit more. really stands out now... Also done the same on the gun. Changed the bevel n emboss colour to match the gun...... Like ?
Just been having a quick search and found this You'll probebly be able to buy summet similar over in Canada Land Also there seems to be a lot of on line business card sites. You uplad your design and they send you a whole bunch of finished cards. Once your design is finished is this the sort of thing you were thinking of using or are you just gunna print your own off.
wow.... Yeah, need both PSD files guys.... Gonna print them to business cards and play with both.. God these are awesome, thanx guys, you rock
I will put my .psd file on my ikkle web ste for you to get at easily. I will PM you the link,cause I dont think I'm allowed to post links like that on here. I had it linked to my sig once and was told to remove it. Will boot up my rig soon and get on with it.
Been looking at this again. I love the background,wish i'd have thought of doing summet like that... It would have been good if more folk would have joined in. he could have mixed and matched then and ended up with a great graphic.... Any chance of letting me have the .psd then I can look at how you achived the background....
#Canadian-Wolverine Go with Beba's background......Looks totally better than my "T" shape gun......It looks really profesional...
Cheers for that....I have tried my best to make the gun into a "T" shape. I have been looking at mine and looking at Beba's background. I really like that background. Maybe the graphic logo comes accross as a bit strong and takes away some of the backgrounds impact but if that was changed a bit as well as the title. I do think these over power the background. Hope Beba dont mind me say that...... I do honestly think the background should be used,looks great. I wonder what Canadian-Wolverine thinks........
I think ya did more than i asked for, looks sweeeeeeeeet as mate. Bebas bg, yeah its awesome, hence why id love to see both psd files and see how stuff like what ya both did is done, and do a combo maybe?
Well I dont know the exzct BG setting Beba used but it inspired me to do a whole fesh one with that sort of theme.. Used your original request for the BG colour. Used the font you liked set in white... Little drop shadow and embos n embed work too.. Take a peek.... P.S. Business Card size...
Here we go.. As per your PM. Font changed and title changed... To be honest the font made the writing hard to read in white,so I changed the font colour. Can easily be changed to what ever colour you prefer. I can do it in white if you wish to see it..
Yah That's the font. Kinda like that arty farty look, makes me look all artistic... Summat about the color on the don't, I keep getting that blue and green should never be seen adage in me head.... Play maestro, play! Try a white, or creme, then fiddle..this is all going somewhere good, I feel it...two artists and my vision...lovin' it