ok are you trying to make banner or logo looks more like a banner to me, just made this logo on the right side and text on the left that can give more info on what you want to sell etc. i will input more infomation with the tangerine font on the left side
Hi...Font changed to white.....I was looking at it and it was hard to read. So I dropped out the white at the right hand side of the background. I dropped the Bevel n Emboss and tweeked the Drop Shadow slightly... What do you think..
R Yessss his work is looking good. Has better Photoshop skills than I. Ask him to do a business card size one.
Hi ya. Any chance I could look at the .psd file ? Just to see how you have done things. It will give me ideas for future projects, I need all the help I can get. Promise I wont use any of your ideas on this graphic. Hope you don't mind.
yes i will send you everithing and i cand send you more... i will finish this.... then i will send everithing
ok here you go with more colors and a little 3d on top-coat and at your service... color can be change to the one you want or other modifications you want i will start on the business card old logo on left new on right..
Yeah, dont it just. Theres a couple of things i pm'ed the man about changing, just for a looksee..if it works, its gonna blow yer mind mate
Seems to have gone a bit flat.... So I have decided to just start again. Forgetting nearly everything that has gone before...I like the gun in the background. So I kept it in. I was thinking about a logo. All gret business's have a very recognisable and quite simplistic logo. So i designed you one. Check out the latest one.. Simple but to the point... Colours,font,owt can be changed..
Just designing another complete new one in Illustator. So when you get right famous your logo can be upscaled to fit on the side of a bus,without any distortion. Or small enough to fit on your letter heads....
WooOOOooo get you !!!! illustrator.. i looked at it once, decided it looked way to complicated for me, guess im better at spraying colours than computerizing them.... likin the concept tho
All those Adobe apps sort of blend into one. The main short cuts are the same,they open each others files and lots more make them similar.. I am even getting good with the "pen tool"....And thats a tricky little begger.. just to blow my own trumpet me and Dreamwever are pretty good friends too.. I have dabbled in Ater Effects also. Made my avatar with that app. Just not really got into it. How does the "TC" grab you ?
i like the concept, it just looks a little 'ms paint" needs depth, dimension and pop...other than that, i like the idea....could go places for sure
the business card desing is not mine got it from internet just edited and adedd some stuff to my liking, if you want modifications just tell me here:
holys**tholys**tholys**t ok, only one change at this point, on both, shouldnt be hard. finishing and restoration in capitals and as big a font as will fit the black area.... please and thank you sir
oh oh oh on the business card, can the text for the phone number and stuff be black? Finishing and restoration in capitals, as big a font as will fit and in bold. Thanks Beba, yer a star!