Has anyone tried to modify the vmwp.exe for Hyper-V 3.0 in the Windows 8 Developer Preview? I'm new to this and I've found the SLIC table but I'm having trouble finding the header of the 1b module using the instructions in this thread. I've uploaded the vmwp.exe version 6.2.8102 if someone more knowledgeable would like to take a look.. sendspace.com/file/op5ww4
I tried it on Build 7989, with nosuccess. But then again I'm nuch better with screw drivers than with code Because Hyper-V tends to change so much in each of the beta builds (i.e. SVR08, SVR08 SP1, SVR08R2, etc, etc...) Its probably best to use a Loader/Hactivator/Rearmer until the final code is released. Slightly Off Topic... Does any one know if the vmwp.exe in Server 8 DP, is the same as the one in Windows 8 DP ? And therefor swapable ????
In the file from post by nonamex The starting sequence of the 1B module is It is located at offset: 281FE4 , length is 341E8 Code: C:\SlicTools>java -jar ChecksumApp.jar C:\Users\sebus\Desktop\1B Current checksum value is 5823791c Checksum header value is correct. No update needed. Exiting. sebus
Help with Modding Hyper-V BIOS Hello, I have read every post on this thread very carefully, yet i have not been able to mod the Hyper-V BIOS of Windows 8 DP. I think i followed all the steps right, but after i mod the vmwp.exe no VMs will run anymore, just a black screen Can someone please elaborate the steps very thoroughly, and i promise i will create a software to automate the process. Just if someone explained to me detailed enough. Here are the details that i am missing: How to find the 1b module in any given vmwp.exe? Incase the 1b module was changed in the new version of the vmwp.exe, how do i calculate the checksum after inserting the modded 1b module? Where do i insert the checksum? Best Regards, Hazem Elshabini
How about reading post #355 (just two above!) As to how? Extract BIOS resource 13500 with ie XN Resource Editor from the exe Open extracted 13500.rom in Hex editor ie HxD You know (by comparison of the known module from previous version) that the end of 1B module is 01 80 06 80 06 01 80 FF FF FF You also know (again by comparison) that somewhere towards the beginning of the 1B module would be FF FF 1B 80 00 00 00 00 14 Just look for it, if you find it then you can run checksum on it to make sure you have the right starting point sebus
Might as well bump this... Anyone take a look at the latest Server 8 Consumer Preview Hyper-V to see if it can be modified?
I tried and failed :S but there seems to be a chinese site: hxxp://jacksuper.blog.51cto.com/2724857/599217 including a Link to a Win8 modded file hxxp://down.51cto.com/data/346333 good luck
If i make the xcopy it always says improper SHARE operation. What i am doing wrong? EDIT: OK, i didn't used an elevated command prompt