Inge, Awesome graphic! That really cleared it up. Did you make any progress on creating a utility to update the SLIC in the HyperV exe? Thanks.
Is it? Hope it helps The tool is working so far and does always a good job, but the Gen2 implementation is missing Inge
Yes, but it inserts only the missing MSDM table and puts the well known SLP1 strings in their valid range. If I remember (the source is written some years ago), the SLIC/RSDT/XSDT tables are already present. You just need to overwrite the SLIC table and adjust the RSDT/XSDT pointers. MSDM table structure: Code: Signature[4] Length[4] Revision[1] Checksum[1] OEM ID[6] OEM Table ID[8] OEM Revision[4] Creator ID[4] Creator Revision[4] Version[4] Reserved[4] Data Type[4] Data Reserved[4] Data Length[4] Data (KEY)[29] Inge
Inge: Can you help me change the vmwp file that includ dell xp win7 2008R2 2012R2(v6.3.9600.17393)? I have some trouble in my server. Thanks a lot!!!
Usually my tool installs the exe, but this should also work: • Shutdown (don't save) all your guests and open a command prompt (admin privileges required) Then type: Code: 01.) net stop vmms 02.) icacls c:\windows\system32\vmwp.exe /save C:\windows\system32\vmwp.acl 03.) takeown /f c:\windows\system32\vmwp.exe 04.) icacls c:\windows\system32\vmwp.exe /grant:r %username%:F 05.) rename c:\windows\system32\vmwp.exe vmwp.old 06.) copy c:\PathToYourModded.exe c:\windows\system32\vmwp.exe 07.) icacls c:\windows\system32\vmwp.exe /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller" /c 08.) icacls c:\windows\system32\ /restore c:\windows\system32\vmwp.acl 09.) del c:\windows\system32\vmwp.acl 10.) net start vmms You can also put these commands in a batch file and execute it with admin privileges... Close the command window and restart the VM's - done! Please let me know if it works... Inge
Thanks! I will take a test tonight(+8:00). I am sure I had not shutdown the VMs when I replace the vmwp file.
I normally change the VMWP.exe by hand, but tried your DOS cmd's for fun. They work perfectly and are a lot quicker
Inge: I fond the problem. the SHA1 date is not same. your's :SHA1: 8BD775AFFC9B9C1F9DADF5290E53398C625A7737, Mine:SHA1: again. That is working..... Thanks a lot!!!