Can you run Windows 11 on your old system?

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by pisthai, Jul 3, 2021.

  1. dany0071199661

    dany0071199661 MDL Member

    Oct 5, 2021
    i install on msi vr601 Intel® Core 2 Duo/Celeron Processor
    Intel® Grpahics Media Acceleator (GMA) X3100

    :D and works
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  2. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    #82 pisthai, Jan 29, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2022
    Windows 11 Pro on unsupported Netbook Single core?

    Let's say you would like to run Windows 11 Pro on an eMachines (Acer) EM350 with Atom N450 CPU, Single Core, and 2 GB of RAM, and for sure no SecureBoot, etc.!
    Would it be possible to get Windows 11 Pro to run on such hardware??

    What the experts would say? Thanks.
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  3. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
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  4. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    why do it from first :D
    just buy new laptop
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  5. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Why do I've to do that? Not everybody has as much money as YOU Rich guys!

    Even I dislike your comment, I'll answer it: For some years I'm doing free computer services for Parentless Kids in an Orphanage, and the most available computers there are 10 years and older, while most of them are Netbooks and Laptops.
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Then why don't you just leave the original Winblows version?
    Original version offers full compatibility.
  7. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    For my own part as Service Guy, the only things matter are: It works? or: It did not work?

    Furthermore, I'll always follow the request of those who ask me to do what! The wishes of my customers and those who are asking for specific help come always first! Period!
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  8. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    I run 11 on a test machine that has a 3 ghz Core2 Duo, 8GB of RAM and a fast SATA SSD and it still runs like absolute crap. This is of course with a lot of the OS removed to make the image lighter.

    I can't even imagine trying the same with what is effectively about 1/4 of the performance.

    In the context of your question, here is a metaphor. You can absolutely make toast using a magnifying glass to slowly burn bread.
  9. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    I do a lot of charity work as well and give away maybe 10 to 15 refurbished PCs a year (most of them laptops). There is a limit to what I will give away both because I want them to actually be able to use what I give them and I know they will be calling me if there is a problem. If the system is 3 generations beyond needing to be recycled, I'm going to get calls.
  10. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Most of those machines are used by kids aged 8-10/12 years in the school of that orphanage. Those machines mainly Acer AO's, eMachines 350/355, and Asus EEE's were provided from those companies for free here in Thailand. All of them with 10" and 11.6" screens. They come from those companies refurbished already and at least 8+ years old. The teachers expecting newer OSes on it, all Windows 8.1 as a minimum right now. and already asked to use Windows 11.

    That's what I'm testing at the moment, and will go ahead with it if those will work quite ok. Speed is not a major need right now!
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  11. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    I'm not rich :animatedwink:
    And there is newer laptop
    That cost 200-300 USD
    Almost everyone can afford them
    They work great under window 10 11
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  12. awuctl

    awuctl MDL Member

    Jun 6, 2020
    #93 awuctl, Jan 30, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022
    Looks like you're having trouble saying "No, it won't work" when it obviously won't.
    It's not like you're helping anyone by making the computers even less usable than they already are. You're actively making the experience infnitely worse than it has to be.
    They won't work well at all and "speed" is not even the point.
    Windows 11 has high requirements because Microsoft doesn't and won't bother optimizing their software for computers worse than the minimum.
    A few updates in and you will notice that the computers are basically dying.

    Some rules of thumb applied:
    • DDR2 → Likely unusable for day-to-day use with Windows >8, especially with small CPU cache
    • Physical core count < 2 → Multitasking will be basically impossible on Windows >8
    • HDD → Windows >8 will be painfully slow (can be remedied slightly on 10, 11 is very inadvisable.)
    • RAM <4GB → Very inadvisable especially with an HDD; SuperFetch will constantly abuse the drive and without it everything will be slow
      (notice that this is a negative feedback loop - the HDD is already slow, SuperFetch will make it even slower and eat up RAM to compensate, SuperFetch's ability to cache in RAM is hindered by there being less than minimum recommended, this makes the HDD take more abuse, [... ad nauseam]).
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  13. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Institutions in Thailand like Orphanages rely on donations in most cases. The daily cost of living for a kid is measured with100-150 Thai Baht, which means 3-5 USD!

    So, where do you go with your just 200-300USD which almost everyone could afford? This is not the USA!
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  14. awuctl

    awuctl MDL Member

    Jun 6, 2020
    And yet you can somehow slap Windows 11 Pro onto those computers?
    I'm not anti-piracy myself, but that doesn't sound like a job that should involve money at all (and I sure hope there's no "labor" costs involved).

    We're telling you the computers will be slow to boot, annoying to use, difficult to manage and impossible to maintain. The fact a hardware upgrade is in order is obvious and not an insult to you, your country or some orphanage's economic status..
    Is there any actual reason to even attempt to install Windows 11 on those computers?
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  15. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Most of that machines running Windows 10 Pro already, or at least Windows 8.1 Pro, are all legally activated! Therefore no extra cost to change to Windows 11 Pro! Regarding Labor Cost, read #Post: 86!

    If you'd read my post regarding all those matters, you'd all your answers already, Simply stop bothering me with all those accusations!
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  16. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Overall, I'm on testing out what could be done with such low-powered machines. Using 3 different brands and types for that, those which are running on the Orphanage, on daily use. What really would be used, I mean which OS, is simply up to the result of my testing.

    The intention of posting all that on this forum was simply to may get some more useful info, a wrong move I've to admit right now! As many times already in the past, posting something a bit controversial will end up very fast in accusations and more. And this will be my last post in this thread.
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  17. awuctl

    awuctl MDL Member

    Jun 6, 2020
    Sorry, missed that one :D
    There are no accusations at all, you just dealt with the only one I ever had.

    The simple answer is that there's not much more that you can do. At least not on Windows 11.
    People here will insist their poorly chosen tweaks will greatly help, but they won't - not in this case - hence the "controversy".

    If it's your clients that want Win11, tell them it will turn out horrible and do it if they insist.
    If you're looking for a way to make those computers more usable - you can push it a lot further on Windows 8 and 10; 11 is much more reliant on components that just work terribly on old hardware (namely UWP and Store-related stuff).

    Good luck but don't waste too much of your time on this, you won't get too far with win11.
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  18. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Here are my thoughts all summed up on this.

    Windows 10>11 in this context due to lower load on the hardware itself and you wont need hacks to make it work.
    Minimum CPU should have 4 threads (not necessarily 4 cores) and 2.0 ghz.
    Minimum RAM + storage configuration should be 4GB + a SATA SSD or 8GB and a 7200RPM HDD. 4GB is not much but a SSD is not as painful to page data to.

    If you go below this, the compromises to user experience will be pronounced and painful.

    The only cost effective way to get into low end refurbishing is to buy used PCs in bulk for a business that is upgrading. Refurbishing individual low end PCs is just far too expensive and once you get to PCs ancient enough to be well under $100, you are working with junk that was underpowered for Windows XP.
  19. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013

    Helping is realy cool :) .......... but often what a customer wants isnt realistic . ...... and you have to explain that to them .......... putting windopws 11 on old computers doesnt make sense ............ because either it wont go in .......,.. or its so slow it goes backwards and / or under stress it cuts off .......... and drivers arent available ........... and software wont work ......... = It's not a good idea to use computers like that in the internet ............ and that seems to me to be the only reason why someone should ask to put win 11 on an old computer ?

    = We cant have our cake and eat it ...... we have to be realistic ........... and its often hard to explain that to customers .