@pisthai Why must every thread of yours turn into a pointless how-poor-people-live discussion ?! I can see you get easily triggered by people on the other side of the world, who don't know who you are, what you do and why you do it, so why don't you just stop teenage-drama-fying every thread you open and JUST IGNORE arguments like "just buy a house"? The solution to your "issue" was already given a bunch of posts back. Go to that thread, spend a few minutes reading and you're good to go. Enough of this "moral education" BS...
Ok, first of all, this partly thread was created to show that it is possible to run Windows 11 on old systems. That simply means: could work or could not work, regardless of whether it's fast enough or too slow, convenient or not, etc., etc.! As it's normal on this and many other forums, many of the readers could not stay to the point work or not work, they have to go around everything else but about what was asked for! That goes as far as those users trying personal accusations and attacks! Sadly, a very normal human behavior, not from uneducated humans only, from high educated (as they claim to be) as well and even more. All of those humans forgot, they are all were starting at point zero and they are still very imperfect and will be that forever! Secondly, in my testings I found out that there some major problems with the old hardware used, which could not be solved in Windows 11, just working in Windows 10 very well! That applies to many USB Hardware from the ENE production, like Card Readers, and more, to name just one. That's it! I'll be out of this thread now.
I have installed w11 since the day one on an old notebook of the xp era, (updated to PATA SSD, 4 GB RAM, Turion X2 2GHz CPU). It works not any worse than a random recent W10 build. Obviously I can't use things like the android subsystem (which requires 8GB of ram on its own) and Hyper-V that requires a SLAT enabled CPU on W10+. That said W11 is just a disgusting os, that to be usable needs a ton of tweaks to its GUI which practically transform it in W10. Aside the academic curiosity,on the same machine the best OS are W8.1 ad W10 LTSB 2015/2016 possibly in 32 bit flavour + PAEpatch3 to use all RAM installed. Anything newer has problem with ENE SD card drivers, and some glitches with the VGA driver when using multiple monitors.