Note that standard drivers aren't released anymore. Also note that without GFE, there's still telemetry in the nvContainer component, and possibly even more.
They completely stopped support for 32bit OS quite a while ago. They now stopped support for Windows 7 and 8.x completely (the only OS needing Standard drivers). So, with MS requirements for DCH, it was a logical consequence.
i always used LTSB/LTSC since windows 10 got released, not just because of disabling telemetry or less bloatware, but mostly because i didn't had to install a new feature upgrade every 6/12 months. but with the new LTSC version i wonder, do i still need it? is windows 10 still getting feature upgrades now every 6/12 months since windows 11 got released now and windows 10 will be gone in 5-10 years. because if not, why all the hassle about it? just use a normal enterprise or education version then. sure the store will be there, but for me that is not a minus, since a reinstalled it on ltsc anyway for some games.
Great news! Edge will not be part of the LTSC branch so you will have to download it if you want it: As its development and release is dependent on the model of Windows as a service, it is not included in Windows 10 Enterprise Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) builds.
i doubt it since they removed internet explorer. and they integrated edgewebview2 to even office products. edge will be there. with windows 11 they are removing lots of old components permanently. i don't think they will keep ie just for ltsc. on the other hand they made paint, notepad and others UWP app, so it makes me think if ltsc won't have store they won't be updated over time. so there might be still some legacy apps in it. i would include store for those apps, but don't preinstall anything in ltsc. it would be nice to have store ready by default for once.
I took this directly from the Microsoft Edge Wikipedia page. But it can also be wrong and subject to change.
That`s what I am afraid of, since IE got removed MS might replace it with Edge but I pray that this does not happen.
I really don't understand a lot of you guys, you want LTSC but then reinstall the major bloatware that is the store. Why not just use a standard version seeing the store brings with it most of the bulls**t that's in a standard version anyway . The reason most people use LTSC is because it doesn't come with all the bulls**t the normal versions come with. In all the years of using it I've never found a reason to install the store, no games I have (over 300) need it, no software or drivers I've used even need it.
Only store talk I read about was about nvidia and realtek drivers, I doubt anyone wants bloatware from windows store