-Difference between Chuck Norris and a brick??? the brick gets laid....... ------------------ -Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open. ------------------ God created the earth in 7 days. On the seventh day he looked down and said " Holy **** is that Chuck Norris?" a bonus ..... One snake says to the other snake, "I hope I'm not poisonous." "Why?" inquires the other snake. Because.... he answers, "I just bit my lip."
Chuck Norris is always watching! If your asking your self “what is he watching” then it’s to late for you I’m sorry may you rest in peace your ashes shall be scattered across the ocean and your name forgotten
This one is good. Chuck Norris is the only human being to display the Heisenberg uncertainty principle -- you can never know both exactly where and how quickly he will roundhouse-kick you in the face.
Chuck Norris can send files with Twitter Chuck Norris can install iTunes without installing Quicktime
Chuck Norris can spawn threads that complete before they are started. Chuck Norris does not sort. He doesn’t need to. He gives a name, and the searched data steps forward