Chuck(les) #1: Chuck Norris never learned to swim because his family's gene pool was too small. Mick can swim, ask any croc......
Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Cesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his mother’s womb.
Chuck Norris was the original sculptor of Mount Rushmore. He completed the entire project using only a bottle opener and a drywall trowel.... Lol
When Bruce Lee died, St. Peter was taking him on his initial tour of heaven when Bruce noticed Chuck Norris down by a creek bed teaching a group of little children the Round-House kick. Bruce asked St. Peter, “hey, what is Chuck Norris doing here? He is still alive”. St. Peter replied, “Oh, no, that is God. He thinks he is Chuck Norris.”
Dareckibmw, this is for you and I hope you are well now. Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.
Thats Micks & my love child !! But as for "Yippee Ki Yay", in orstralian thats translated to "Well I'll be buggered".