We are going to get a lot of hate but I have the same thinking as you, I too believe there is something different, i dont know much aboiut has calculators but I do know that the build failed on 3 pcs in terms of bugs and todays one installed and everything is working. The only explanation is the different ISO.
I'm not assuming, its logic thinking because its officially released today so why doesn't it show today's date?
There is something really different about it. I stayed away from it when it wouldn't install properly in VHD. I think it was missing some code. I do not know why the hashes are the same when it is obviously so different.
Im not spreading anything, I am venting my outcome and what has cured the bugs and it all points to the iso so im just putting it out there for someone to come and verify that infact its the exact same iso and must be a coincidence despite the fact all 3 pcs had the bugs. Look I don't need some smart comments mate, I'm here to ask questions and if you know about this stuff then please educate me without patronizing me.
something at your own end. a hash is a hash, no difference what SO ever, if the hash matches, it is authentic and exact to what MS has released and has on their servers. you have to at least learn how and what a hash is and what it represents before you deny a fact that the hashes are the same. We already lost one member to spreading things they knew nothing of, it spreads fear and uncertainty. Neither of which should happen if people who know what they are talking about are heard. Unfortunately, the only people that are heard are those who know nothing about what they are saying.
Sha1 hashes cannot be spoofed so far ... have a read about this. So your gutts might have a feeling, but unfortunately it's only a fart that's stuck .
that's what I did too, I started the rollback to Win 8.1 Pro WMC and initiated the undo reservation process, as I noticed there was still this generic key, not a RTM license.
The most honest and best reply I have had. OK thank you for the info, will keep that in mind, so hash is pukka then, must just be a coincidence what happened. Hey ho! I am currently creating a win 8.1 usb to install win 8.1 then will upgrade again but tbh I will just use microsofts build juts cause its form the legit source and will see if it activates this time, once I upgrade should I do a reset? will these remove any old windows 8 files? I just want to have the cleanest installation possible.