@GOD666: I'm uploading all available Activators etc. to mega right now, total 34 files 540 MB, which I was get from a friend. I'll send the download link by PM to the OP, so he could check and decide what he like to add. Regards
I received your PM, but I would much rather have you as a mirror. At the moment I'm on public wifi and while downloading is not a problem, uploading is problematic at best. It was very hard to even upload the files that I did upload. Which is why in post #1 I told everyone mirrors are very much welcome. If you'd rather not mirror it, I'd ask that you either offer a torrent (magnet link) and seed it for a while. Or get in touch with someone here so they could mirror it.
Sorry, NO Mirror to my Host space at Mega! And I didn't work with own Torrents! If someone like to get all those activators, please contact me shortly by PM for the Download Link. I would not do that for some of those 'not so nice' Members of MDL, who all times accusing and attacking any post of mine (whom I talking about, know that very well!). The uploaded Activators will be deleted tomorrow from my Mega space at 10am Thailand time (GMT +7h). Regards.
I'm downloading it now, but do not know when I'll be able to upload the nearly 700mb worth o goodies you have provided. Still on public wifi here.
Updated post #1 to add @pisthai files Side note for everyone else: If you can mirror, let me know. I will not be downloading and uploading other people's files again. It took forever since I'm on public wifi at the moment.
i can mirror daz loader 222 and abbodis smart activation script, but to keep from exceeding data limits, i will only give links by pm request
better 2 remove those Code: HEU_KMS_Activator_10.0.0.rar Re-Loader_v2.6.rar Re-Loader_V3.0_Beta_2.rar if something need 2be mirrored just send me a PM with the links
Any reason why those should be removed? He / she also gave me these (see screenshot) which I did not upload as my connection is timing out... again
if i remember right, those "hacktivator" are banned on MDL previously MOD can correct me if i'm wrong