Busy Week Ahead: Windows 10 Threshold 2 to Launch Tomorrow, New Mobile Build Also Coming Also from my link.
You said few days ago that this is RTM Escrow. That's why I'm asking if is the real TH2 RTM for installing it
Whatever it's called, it's the same. 10240 also wasn't "RTM", it was sort of RTM after the ZDP kb3074683 (i believe it was).
My instinct tells me we are not going to receive it today. I am going to follow my instinct and rule out today from the release date.
KB3105213 cumulative update just shown up for me, is that it? It seems to be quite large.. (moving slowly with 120mbit connection)
Win 10240 pro x64: • Cumulatieve update Windows 10 for x64-systems (KB3105213) is also showing up at my machine, catalog doesn't show it yet.
In the Th2 Insider Build i have: KB3105211 Cumulative update version 1511 KB3103688 Flash Player Update version 1511
Cumulative Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3105213) Windows 10,Windows 10 LTSB Security Update. It occupies 515,2 MB