AAh ok, never installed w3.11 BTW, I'll go with .cab extract/reinstall since every time I tried the "in place upgrade" something went wrong. This is the script I used toremove HYPER-V and Defender: Code: @echo off pushd "%~dp0" install_wim_tweak.exe /o /l install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Windows-Defender /r install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Hyper-V /r install_wim_tweak.exe /h /o /l And this should be the packages removed for HYPER-V (copied from Packages.txt generated by install_wim_tweak: Code: Microsoft-Hyper-V-ClientEdition-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~it-IT~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-ClientEdition-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Common-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Guest-Integration-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~it-IT~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Guest-Integration-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-Clients-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~it-IT~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-Clients-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell-Package-net~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~it-IT~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell-Package-net~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~it-IT~10.0.10240.16384 Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.10240.16384
In my experience formatting or reinstalling cleanly each time is just an huge wast of time. Maybe isn't a good idea to upgrade from 98 to xp or from xp to vista. But surely there isn't any problem with same generation OSes, not speaking about reinstalling the OS of the same version on top of it'self. Anyway, yes those are the packages you must install back if you're scared by the in place upgrade path.
T-S I'm not scared, the problem is that this is my work notebook, where I have installed stupid token to entering company VPN... Every time I tried something "hard" the token get blocked and I have to open a ticket to support. I restored a notebook cloned image to VMWare right now (surely after disabling the token), then I'll try to restore HYPER-V packages an a virtual test environment. Just one thing is not clear. When I prepare the script to extract HYPER-V packages, may I have to extract multiple cab for each HYPER-V package? I mean, something like: Code: @echo off pushd "%~dp0" cscript /nologo SxSExtract.vbs /IMAGE:C:\DISM\\mount\Windows /VICIOUSHACKS ^ C:\DISM\mount\Windows\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Hyper-V-ClientEdition-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~it-IT~10.0.10240.16384.mum ^ pack1.cab C:\DISM\mount\Windows\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Hyper-V-ClientEdition-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.10240.16384.mum ^ pack2.cab ..........etc......... Or just list the num with one cab files? The example shown around on MDL report every time one package at time: Code: C:\DISM\mount\Windows\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Hyper-V-ClientEdition-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~it-IT~10.0.10240.16384.mum ^ C:\DISM\mount\Windows\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Hyper-V-ClientEdition-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~10.0.10240.16384.mum ^ pack1.cab
DAMN!DAMN!DAMN! I'm stuck on the first simple step... Mounting the install.wim with imagex!!! Code: C:\Mount>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\bin\i386\imagex" /mount D:\sources\install.wim 1 C:\Mount ImageX Tool for Windows Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. Version: 6.1.7600.16385 Mounting: [D:\sources\install.wim, 1] -> [C:\Mount]... Error opening file [D:\sources\install.wim]. Tentativo di caricare un programma con un formato non corretto. Wrong image format???? Is the ISO coming from MSDN, so it's original and untouched!!! Tried also with other iso like x64 Pro, x64 Pro N, etc with the same result!!! And yes, "D:\sources\install.wim" is the correct path! Please help... getting crazy!
Why mess with imagex (especially if the one from win7 to manage w10 images)? Use dism /mount-image /imagefile...
Same error: Code: C:\Windows\system32>dism /mount-image /imagefile:"D:\sources\install.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:"C:\Mount" /ReadOnly Strumento Gestione e manutenzione immagini distribuzione Versione: 10.0.10240.16384 Errore: 11 Tentativo di caricare un programma con un formato non corretto. Tried with Enterprise x64 and the mount works... I hope I can extract HYPER-V cab from Enterprise.... should be the same packages!!
When I extracted the Win32calc packages I just did one at a time. I just amended the extractor file for each package in turn. I suggest you try just extracting each package in turn. I beleive there are a lot of Hyper-v packages. Setting up your DISM folder structure will be important so all the command know where to look for the corresponding files. I will boot up my PC and post up some simple DISM commands to mount images etc etc. Then if you set up a folder structure similar you may well have more luck.
Got it! I mounted the Pro x64 WIM in virtual environment and then extract the packages... Then, install back to my Windows 10 and..... HYPER-V is back! So I can confirm this method works perfect! I would like to thanks the people who assist me in this operation and naturally the whole MDL community!
OMG!!!!! 23 pages on how to destroy the OS what a waste of time.....i bet after all does tweaks win10 runs like s**t.....MS dont spy on u....is the FEDS wake the FFFF KKKK up.
Here we are not talking about Telemetry, but how to remove unusefull M$ software from already installed Windows (and not only that). The problem starts when you need, months later, what you have already removed
The time spent to read your useless message is the only time wasted reading this thread. We are on MDL in case you missed that, people talks about technical things here. If you want to share your fanboism this is not the right place, try neowin.
Based on the views in this thread a lot here just waste their time, 10568 up and running in a vm with cody's fw modded, imported and all works as should. It is little things like getting windows time sync working ... upd 123, port 1688 opened up for handshakes. Spoiler Code: Dism /Cleanup-Mountpoints REM set path to install win and install_wim_tweak.exe (same directory) Set PATH=C:\work Rem Set path to mount location Set MOUNT=%PATH%\mount REM Set path to mounted ISO (for .net 3) Set ISO=H:\ REM Set path to update directory (cab files) set Update=D:\updates Pause Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:%PATH%\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:%MOUNT% Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:%ISO%\sources\sxs /LimitAccess Rem Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /add-package /packagepath:%updates% Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.3DBuilder_10.9.50.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.Appconnector_2015.707.550.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.BingFinance_4.6.169.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.BingNews_4.6.169.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.BingSports_4.6.169.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.BingWeather_4.6.169.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.CommsPhone_1.10.1000.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.ConnectivityStore_1.1509.1.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.Getstarted_2.3.7.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.Messaging_1.10.1000.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub_2015.6209.23751.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_3.3.9211.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.Office.OneNote_2015.6131.10051.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.Office.Sway_2015.6216.20251.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.People_2015.930.146.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.SkypeApp_3.2.1.0_neutral_~_kzf8qxf38zg5c Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2015.1001.17200.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.WindowsAlarms_2015.905.10.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_2015.914.10.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.WindowsCamera_2015.1071.10.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_2015.6229.42251.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.WindowsMaps_4.1509.50911.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.WindowsPhone_2015.917.10.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder_2015.926.110.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.WindowsStore_2015.925.14.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.XboxApp_2015.930.526.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.ZuneMusic_2019.6.13251.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe Dism /Image:%MOUNT% /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.ZuneVideo_2019.6.13251.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Media-FaceAnalysis /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Media-Ocr /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Hyper-V /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Mobile-Sensors /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-AllowTelemetry /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-AppRuntime-WOW64-xbox /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-AppRuntime-xbox /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-Biometrics /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-CameraCaptureUI /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-CortanaComponents /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-Gaming /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-Maps /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-Networking-XboxLive /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-RemoteDesktopServices /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-SpeechComponents /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-UniversalStore /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-Wallet /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-OneCore-WalletService /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-BioEnrollment /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-Browser /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-Client-Drivers-xbox /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-ContactSupport /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-Cortana /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-DiagTrack /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-InsiderHub /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-Internet-Browser /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-OneDrive /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-ParentalControls /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-RemoteAssistance /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktop /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-RemoteFX /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-Search2 /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-Skype /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-StickyNotes /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Windows-Store /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-WindowsFeedback /r %PATH%\install_wim_tweak /p "%MOUNT%" /c Microsoft-Xbox /r Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:%MOUNT% /commit We strive for a desktop windows with a new engine . Regards EDIT: New build version numbers .... kQQl we will limit posts.
i would remind u sense u started this thread..... this is what it said. [h=2]Completely eradicate Telemetry, Defender, One drive, Cortana (and other things).[/h]
Indeed. It's exactly the purpose of this thread. Removing telemetry and other things (aka unwanted/unneeded features, function, programs). Where's your problem with that?
theirs no problem....my opinion is a waste of time......none of that spy on u like people think it does....i would remind u does are all services....and sense this is windows as a service dont u think once u stop or remove them u going to start running into problems?
Your opinion, backed by nothing, but still your opinion. Sure. they put them in just to waste some CPU cycles and some HDD space, they really does nothing Would you remind that the purpose of a service is to serve someone, the system owner pheraps. A "service" that serves silently someone else, using users's own machine isn't any different from a trojan, by definition. Who said I want windows as a service? I want an OS that does the things I need. No I don't think that removing the spyware can be harmful for anyone other than MS. And no, removing something like Hyper-V can't be harmful for anyone who don't use it (or doesn't even know what the hell it is). The some applies to the useless MS browsers, the xbox packages for people who don't mind to get one, the idiotic "square" apps, and so on.
so if u buy a new car would u rip out the sat radio out out the dash board cut out the seat belts and remove the air bags because u think it does not belong their and would make the car better.