Is plenty of people who mods their cars to adapt them to their needs. You are likely the kind of person that the only thing that can eat is a Big mac (and drink something only if a coke is included in the menu). Someone else likes to go to a restaurant and order "a la carte", because they have good taste and have an idea about what's on the menu. There's space for everyone in this world, including people who like to choose, like me and other participants to this thread, and people like you who prefer to be "remotely controlled" by someone/something else. Just realize that.
oh dont forget bleed out your break lines and go down a steep hill and see how good and modified your car will feel
Don't worry about! Not everyone is that stupid.. What comes to an operating system, it must be as clean as possible! Couldn't really care less what M$ or M$ fanboys say about. So.. all will go directly . Last time i removed about 522 packages from my windooze. After one month use, it's still perfect for me.
There's no fun in life if we don't modify and it helps to gain a better understanding of whatever it is we modify be it a car an operating system or anything else
People that mod their cars may bore out the cylinders and buy oversized pistons and rings, however may not mix molten cast iron and cast a new block to their design specs. One usually modifies or renovates something existing to fit better with their own tastes, needs or sometimes just for fun. I do not understand a need by any members in this forum to resent that and respectfully I am not stating you are one that does. Regards
dude this thread has nothing to do with making the OS about removing all services that people think is spying on them.....MS put in the telemetry for a reason so then can get feed back and roll out a better product for u.
One question, I did apply the tweak but now I want my insider program back and I already install 2 preview but stil in preview slow ring and cannot change also I got this red stuff some settings are managed by your organization . I also don´t get insider preview too. What should I revert?, Firewall or there is something else? I know I can clean Install but I preffer not too. I apréciate the help
thats what happens when u start to remove services u are not meant to.....the OS breaks down and u start running into problems.
Likely you disabled something with OO Shutup or something like that So revert the settings using the program you used or manually using gpedit.msc
If I were you, I would first decide if you want to use Windows 10, do you want it to work right?, do you want to use the built in error tools, if the answer is yes to these questions, then start over fresh, install Windows 10, then leave it alone, am I happy with the spyware, NO, but I want a OS that works, repair tools that work, your choice.
I got so DAMN tired of trying to STOP all the spyware, I was having issues with sleeping at nite. so I fixed this way. 1. FORMAT C: 2. DL Windows 10 EnterpriseS LTSB x64 3. uncompress to USB 4. DISM /apply Image to C: 5. Stop worring about all the spyware. and Happy as HELL with Windows 10 EnterpriseS LTSB OEM Activated.... copied image and have cloned all my Systems with SAME.
...I would like to remove ie(internet explorer 11) in 10 forever the system, but dont see this option? or dont to remove ie from this script?...THANKS!