@tnx hahaha that's the end there's nothing more I could get rid of enough of dism for me. I think I will take look at registry and see what's there
Sorry a noobish question, can we use this tool to remove the packages before hand from the ISO itself ? This shall make sure the crap doesn't install in the first place. Please confirm
@MrTweakFreak there's no much running in tasks anymore services useless ones were either disabled or removed. I even went to find where's svchost.exe in registry to remove none existing services it was sometimes calling for. So the event viewer show now just a few errors if any at all
@KNARZ so why don't you join Microsoft.Pakistan/windows10 and talk there in your own language and have quality threads?
It's nothing against you but you're missing the point that I'm working longer on Windows than you're alive. And to be honest I don't see the point to discuss or argue (not because of age, because of ask questions and statements). Many described components in your list can/will break several Windows Features/Settings and maybe someone will take this list as a reference and this is what I mean with low quality. It's just a personal list that is blasted to the public and maybe "we" (other people/MDL Members) have to fix Issues from others because of some unreliable list you have created. Enough criticism, I honer your 'drive/will' to learn about Windows at your age. Not many have that.
@KNARZ will break what? Can you give one example as I can't see anything broken in my windows? Maybe you should just retire and leave windows 10 for younger generation?
think about what you say now little grasshoper because you move at the edge of the end of your membership
@Paul that's not the end of the world isn't it? I haven't done anything wrong but I guess better to side with an old man who lie than with someone of my age who say the truth. He said packages I removed from my windows will brake services etc yet he can't give one example I guess I should just accept what he said and do hat he says so I can be member of the mdl? Lol
. MDL has some very profound members which you cannot know about. One is KNARZ. You better go with the old guys at first due to their knowledge and later when you are settled, you should provide your pro-knowledge. Believe me, we all were at your age many years ago and we all know the hard way up. You cannot have that experience yet, it is impossible so go with us in MDL like all did and you are set. No way around. If you do not agree, I already told you what will happen
@paul he said list I posted will brake up windows and my windows works just fine not even one issue. Why would he say that? It was not fair and it doesn't matter how long member he is, KNARZ shouldn't lie that's all
there are many looks ahead of things. Things you cannot detect out of lack of knowledge. Go with your windows as you try to have it fiddled and we meet some days later soon. The all of us will see why your attempt of doing wrong things have caused a delay in our progress. Do not try to invent the wheel again