Who - who does SOCRATE_MMXII mean when he says "above" - doe he mean where he quoted me? Can't do as I don't post on any other forum about Windows/Computers?
i honestly dunno, nucleus. but it is pretty obvious that he was fed up with the m$ sales patter..no harm in asking him..and with all due respect, nucleus, i really hope that you will not regard his remarks as a reflection on you. that would be really bad. and i am sure that they were not intended as such.
He quoted me and said "The MS-fanboy above", I don't know who he meant and my quote was above his text. At the moment I've no clue who he meant. Either way friend, rest easy cos' I won't be getting involved in anymore of these type of disputes, I've seen some disgraceful posts "retard" "retards" simply because someone anti Win 10 may not agree with someone else. I've also reported a post and it's left so I gave in. No worries here nodnar.
M$ have been around for some time IBM/MS Dos days and way before internet or anyone worrying about their privacy. M$ has some pretty bright guys still I think and they have given us all the tools to make their OS's (yes even win 10) what we want. DISM is now the norm, convert it to the version you want, run it through a meat grinder to remove the BS and voilà we have a desktop. If it was not for these tools some would not touch win 10 with a 10' (3m) pole. But they exist and that is pretty bright. Now port all settings of the control panel over to the settings panel, then we will have a new UI and name and we are back on topic . Regards
Control panel is still there and they will not remove it for a long time. Setting works great, had to get use to it just like we had to for control panel back when it came out in Windows 3.0 Yes it has been around that long.
Well, while they do one fatal mistake after the other to what once has been thought as Windows I still got my Windows 7 ultimate R.I.P. Windows 10
Use of mainframe remotely was the norm in the stone age of IT And that was way before internet or any kinf of IT net was taken in account. And at time privacy was already a concern although was intended at higer level govenment/organizzations and so on. Dism is not my problem, there is a my tutorial about it here. But privacy is. And no it isn't my problem is OUR problem, as users, as society, MS fanboys included. I'm one of them. Aside the privacy matter I don't need an UI made for kindergardens. Anyway, back to the CP is very unlikely that it will be 100% removed anytime soon a lot of programs espects that the CP is working, they can hide it, just like they did for Quicklaunch but they can't kill it.
Windows 7 VS Windows 10 = Porsche 911 VS Lada Taiga most likely they CAN remove more control from users! but the point is: the masses are rather blindfolded, so they'd even buy a windows 10 bitcoin miner edition.
i have no complaints, under any os, paul.. i do not even need telemetry.. just the palms of my hands..
Yes I remember logging onto those main frames from my bachelor on a 8286 running ibm dos 3.1 (slapped a math coprocessor into that baby) to run finite element analysis. The output toke forever to down load with a 24 baud modem. I was worried back then that someone maybe taping into the line to look at that output. Prior to that we punched cards and ran them through a machine the size of a truck to input to those main frames (that was only 30 years ago) . BBS anyone? You know back when we did banking online. Now you must be joking, when was this in the stone age when the government was storing all our personal information on tape drives reel to reel on those main frames. Most governments are still not using computers to there full extent and computers were not the norm for storage in most countries, expect possibly a few countries military where it was security not privacy that was the issue. This is a new era the 8086 just appeared in the early eighties (79?). You miss understand and should reread what I wrote. I said it was the solution, you should also read your thread I have posted there. For all problems there are solutions and workarounds. It is better to work towards those to make a difference than to complain that a problem exists. I have no problems with you voicing your disgust of M$ betrayal many feel the same. Regards
Well the first personal computer, the Programma 101, was built and sold by Olivetti in 1963/64 it was even cloned by HP, but yes, what we call personal Computing nowadays is matter of the end of seventies trough all the eighties. And no I'm not jocking. Being worried about the data stored somewhere else, is not just matter of credit cards numbers nor is a 2015 only problem. Think to a company from 1950/60 that used a mainframe to do simulations about a new project, maybe that very mainframe was used by their competitors. That (plus other practical reasons) pushed the big companies to have the data in house even if an internal IT infrastructure was really expensive at the time. The problem was still in place for mit/small sized companies that didn't have enough resources to afford an internal mainframe. I wasn't criticizing what you wrote. I just said that privacy is a problem no matter if you are skilled enough to manage the workarounds. In short AIDS isn't a good thing no matter if there are condoms or not. Here is the same.
Sad that in the 2k/XP days, this was not necessary. OOTB the OS was lean and mean. I think (for the most part) 7 is not too bad; it's not pure per se but it's definitely more pure than anything since, which is why I will essentially be "retiring" with it.