MS is hunting down these downloads, so they die as fast as flies. Nagging donĀ“t helps here. With info of hash of legit download you can get them from everywhere. My two cents, i can spare .
Added to Office 2013 Repository I think I'm pretty close to done with it. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating just a tiny bit.
Files are language independant! (so works with any lang) And MS is hunting everything channel switching related down. The old channel switcher is also taken down too.
Same with ATM Bachups which are not cryptically named . Thread by ambidav regarding Win 8 AIO and Pro WMC integration got DMCA .
And then Stannie got the idea for a p2p based forum. Cause the forum is not on a server there's also no need for a real owner. Well it's not really the board itself that's in the p2p cloud then, it would be more a p2p distributed database system that can be accessed through the board. But the board doesn't take the info from the dbase and brings it to the user. Instead the board website tells the p2p client on the forum user side what query to run against the database it's p2p client is part of.
With this method, all Retail Edition will be converted to Volume Edition. Have tested with Japasene and German Version, and both worked perfect. Any ideas for other Softwares, i.e. Visio and Project? Thank s guy finally I found solutions.
For those with difficult to download files required to convert there's another method that involve download a lot more but works. Download office 2013 proplus VL, any language, with a bit of search you will find tons of links here. unpack office 2013 proplus RTM, and delete the folder "proplusr.ww" unpack office 2013 proplus VL, and copy the folders "admin" and "proplus.ww" to office 2013 proplus RTM. Done. I've checked the crc of every file involved and the final result, they are exact the same. You can do de same to convert visio, but replace "proplusr.ww" and "proplus.ww" by "vispror.ww" and "vispro.ww". I don't use project, but I guess the schema is the same.