Convert Win 11 image to an LTSC

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by muzzy001, Jan 22, 2022.

  1. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    If theres anyone on this web site talking crap , being dissrespectfull and bad mannered its YOU : Stop being so arogant and at least try to help people withpout masterbating your ego in their faces .
  2. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #22 acer-5100, Jan 26, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022
    I suggest you to subscribe a gardening forum instead of mdl if you don't like those evil people who try to help other users.

    Perhaps I tell you a secret, you are not forced to read nor like what I write, let alone replying to my messages.

    Grow up and happy gardening.
  3. muzzy001

    muzzy001 MDL Novice

    Sep 15, 2011
    #23 muzzy001, Jan 26, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2022
    kool thankyou for that . this is exactly what i am trying to do. what my final wish is to achieve is a so called "Golden Image" as they refer to it on YouTube and online where i can customize/clean and decrapify a windows 11 image and also have installed/integrated linux ubuntu and android subsystem when once completed i can save it as a generalised .wim via sysprep and make an iso to install on any PC and not have to go through all the install again to get it prepared. I hope i am making sense.

    sorry if i seem a bit ignorant i am just new to all this . / i mean i have made custom images in the past with win 7 x64 and win10 but win 11 looks more complicated as things look more tied together

    Also this might be a dumb question but what is the difference between Core and Non-Core Edition of Windows 11 Enterprise. Is it just the activation or is there more to it.
  4. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #24 acer-5100, Jan 26, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2022
    indeed W11 is more complicated than latest builds of w10, which in turn are more complicated than early versions of w10.

    Like I said i suggest to start trying MSMG (or ntlite) both f which allow to customie your installation,removing and/or adding features to your install media only when you are satisfied you can think to follow the path of install->syspep/generalize-> capture. But that is an optional step better suited to add the third party sw and/or customize the settings.
  5. muzzy001

    muzzy001 MDL Novice

    Sep 15, 2011
    thankyou again i will play around with msmg to get familiarised with it and then go from there
  6. muzzy001

    muzzy001 MDL Novice

    Sep 15, 2011
    hi there i had a play around with msmg and am happy to say i somehow managed to remove cortana, defender and windows security edge and internet explorer as am using firefox plus a lot of other programs i didnt need including the store . i kept calc and notepad because i wanted them there.
    The only thing that i was suprised about is that even though windows security was removed it still comes up under programs in the list but if u click on it nothing happens. how would i remove the windows security from the list seeing its been removed
  7. claudiusraphael

    claudiusraphael MDL Novice

    Jan 1, 2022
    Some thoughts for everyone that stumbles upon this thread and wonders what version of Windows might be right for what special-purpose:

    Windows 11 Pro 2022
    - Prepared for GPU-Partitioning on Intel Core 5th gen to 10th gen iGPU and Nvidia Quadro
    - Windows Subsystem for Android with Hardware acceleration and passthrough OpenGL4.5 on SSSE4.2/AVX
    - Windows Subsystem for Linux Generation 2 with Microsoft SLTS Linux Kernel 5.10 allowing HAV/NV/IOMMU-PT/MDEV
    - WSL2 with full virtualization passthrough for custom Kernels to utilize HAV for example in QEMU/KVM while using GPU-Partitioning
    - Support for discrete Nvidia Cuda Computation Containers in WSL2
    - WSLg Microsoft X11 and Wayland Server for use of graphical apps under Windows from inside WSL2-containers
    - Windows Containers with OC/Cuda
    - Hyper-V

    Windows 10 LTSC 2021
    - Final stable version of Windows 10
    - WSL2 with Microsoft SLTS Kernel 5.10, allowing custom Kernels and Virtualization passthrough
    - no WSLg, but X11/Xorg can be run on the host separately, no HA for Display-Server/Compute
    - Windows Containers with OC/Cuda
    - Hyper-V
    - Sandboxing

    Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
    - Last version that does not rely on the Microsoft Store
    - Hyper-V can be applied and runs guests that are newer than the host
    - Hyper-V DDA
    - S-Mode possible
    - Container-Services available
    - Full "classic" desktop
    - Windows Subsystem for Linux Generation 1 is available
    - Can be minimized/customized to the extreme
    - Nested-Virtualization is allowed
    - Windows Containers

    Hyper-V Server 2019
    - Last non-"Azure/managed" Windows Server Core Version
    - Allows to virtualize guests that are newer than the host
    - Windows Containers
    - Nested-Virtualization is allowed
    - NTFS Deduplication

    Windows Nano-Server 2016
    - Only Server version that can be run headless as a Hyper-V Server
    - Last one that supports App-V, while running Hyper-V
    - Windows Containers
    - Can be nested infinitely
    - NTFS Deduplication

    Windows Server 2012
    - first and last that supports all technologies of the old and the new world
    - Hyper-V Gen2 UEFI
    - Hyper-V DDA and RemoteFX
    - Deduplication
    - Storage
    - Windows Containers
    - App-V Pre/Post-5
    - ReFS
    - last that does not rely on SLAT and Vt-d

    These are basically the breaking-points/mile-stones of everything that came after Windows 7/Server 2008 R2. For very specific needs there would be some more editions/versions to mention, but these are the ones that defined the baseline/maximum/optimum for each generation/edition/version.
  8. claudiusraphael

    claudiusraphael MDL Novice

    Jan 1, 2022
    Would be the version to operate on securely. Everything after that, would be in fact the aforementioned "Butchering". But hey, sometimes slaughter frees your mind, so don't hesitate. If you want teh safe route though to provide a stable basis for experimenting inside Virtual Machines while keeping the host as clean as possible, then use Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019.
  9. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #29 acer-5100, Jul 1, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2022
    A lot of partial/imprecise infos in that list.


    Any Hyper-V version can run at least two newer generations clients. (actually is pretty easy to run more recent VMs on most versions: just delete HyperVideo.sys from the VM and you can run even Win11 guests on Hyper-V 2015 hosts, maybe even earlier versions)

    2016 deduplication and earlier is different (and not forward compatible) from dedup introduced in 15063, in turn dedup from 2012r2/w81 is different and not forward compatible with W10 dedup, in turn W8/2012 is not forward compatible with W81/2012R2

    Remote FX from 2008R2/W8/W81/W10 1507/1511 lacks OpenGL support making it a lot less useful than 14393+ one.

    Apropos the above... 1904x.868 is the newest windows version with an usable RemoteFX host feature (one can mod newer 1904x to get RFX back but that's not for "genius" who label improvements as "butchering"), that's what I call an important milestone

    Server 2012 is not the only and last version that runs w/o slat on CPUs, 2012R2 (and in w81 activated as server) can run on SLATless CPUs as well

    Speaking of HW requirement 2008R2 can use a DX9 GPU on RemoteFX, anything else requires a DX11 capable VGA

    17134 is the first build that allows concurrent Hyper-V and Virtualbox usage
    19041.264 is the first build that allows concurrent VMware and Hyper-V usage (requires at least VMware 15.5)

    We can continue for a day....;)
  10. claudiusraphael

    claudiusraphael MDL Novice

    Jan 1, 2022
    Well i refered to the OP's definition of "butchering" which to me personally is of no matter, i treat it as necessary configuration to reach a goal. Regarding partial/imprecise infos: "Some thoughts" said it all, didn't it?

    In any case, since i stumbled over this answer by reaction-notification after what feels like aeons later:

    How about an update on the actual status of recommended platforms, editions and workarounds for 2023+?

    I hope the list is thinned out now, but especially wonder about Nano-Server and GPU-utilization via Hyper-V on it and your remark on W81 activated as server made me curious - can you give a link to a fruitful conversation on that topic, wonder how hyper-v performs and what features can be utilized on that platform? Also, actual WSL2 (Linux) and WSA (Android) subsystems - since they also use hyper-v in the backend, what is the lowest/oldest version/edition that can be spoofed to allow run WSL2 and WSA (e.g. 2019 LTSC or Hyper-V Server 2016 / 2019)?

    If you have any ideas on this and can spit it without making it a workload for yourself aka just casually comment from the top of your head, that would be quite nice.
  11. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    2023+ means basically win 11 /server 11, I care very little about them. Server 11 varies wildly depending the current build. The current 25997(and I guess the freshest 26010) seem finally a decent build over the older 259xx builds. 253xx and older builds are generally fine

    My SKUwitch is here

    WSA never tested it personally, but I think it doesn't work in server mode (not sure if that changed in server 11)

    WSL2 works on my Win10/ Server 2020 builds with restored remote FX functionality, but the graphical WSL from win 11 that was backported in recent W10 is not compatible (maybe it's possible refining the process, but that's really too much work for something I don't really care. Feel free to try to improve my process if interested.
  12. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    open powershell as admin run two command

    Get-AppxPackage -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage

    Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online

    for paint , calculator go to winaero tweaker to install legacy apps

    replace notepad with notepad++

    for support use education sku or entreprise , activate with massgravel 2.5 or kms_vl_all
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    And it won't be LTSC by far.
  14. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Just use server11 and use my SKUwitch to turn it in LTSC.

    Simpler, faster and better than a MS released LTSC.
  15. Jingzin

    Jingzin MDL Addicted

    Nov 10, 2021
    why convert windows 11 to ltsc what's the point ?
  16. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    The point *MAY* be to use something that is blocked on server.

    WSA, GPU-P, Nvidia drivers, partitioning SW and so on.

    There is a thread in the server room about the matter.

    That said my SKUwitch works bidirectionally and requires one second and one reboot, so I made the whole Server v.s. Client debate useless
  17. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    No they won't
  18. Jingzin

    Jingzin MDL Addicted

    Nov 10, 2021
    ok, will try to ask them
  19. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    Use what works for you, if fits your needs Windows 1.04 is just fine.