Fantastic work. Two questions, if I might: Why not 22? May I ask you for the code (I don't like using unattend) to make D: the %USERS% drive? Thank you!
I can't remember what edition I referred to which default value was "38" Although LTSC 2021 and Windows 10 EnterpriseG's default value is "2" When I did a google search I found out so many opinions on what value to use I might have to look more into it I don't understand? What unattend? I posted a batch script for offline servicing
Hi freddie-o, I want to thank you for this amazing guide, its so simple to understand. I would like to ask you, is there some command i can add to remove the password requirement when you first install windows server? From the search i did its got to do with netplwiz? And other one is to disable password complexity, If you have a commands i can add would be nice.