Coronavirus | Discussion

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Deleted member 1254778, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor of the antioxidant glutathione allegedly the most powerful antioxidant of our body.
    Yes I knew about this.
  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    This makes senmse to me, more than most:

    "Nearly 1 million U.S. children have contracted COVID in the past 4 weeks
    September 21, 2021 9:15 PM GMT+1

    COVID cases among children are rising “exponentially,” according to a report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Children’s Hospital Association on Monday, as the more contagious Delta variant continues to wreak havoc with students returning to school."

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  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Sure and given the fact they are walking bags full of processed red meat chicken ham hamburgers hotdogs processed dairy ice cream absence of fruits and vegetables and a long etcetera, how in the world you do not expect very I'll youngsters?
  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    How to evade, duck and dive, ignore all the issues... wow!
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Deep transcriptomics technique for virus detection

    Coronaviruses (family Coronaviridae) comprise a large group of viral species that are grouped into 4 genera (alpha, beta, gamma, delta), and that can infect various mammalian and bird hosts. In general, coronaviruses (which have an RNA genome) are atypical in terms of being large genomes since normally viral RNA genomes are small. You can see general characteristics of these viruses at:
    It has been proposed, based on molecular evolution studies, that the Coronaviridae family emerged about 10,000 years ago (, therefore, given this time and given the cellular receptors they use, it is understandable that they can infect so many host species. It is known that there are "leaps" between species; in fact, all human coronaviruses have jumped from animal species to us. This is normal and responds to evolutionary and ecological factors. SARS-CoV-2 is very (more than 98%) similar to beta-coronaviruses that have been known for decades.

    Unlike what happens for bacteria, fungi and other pathogens, in order to detect a virus, it is necessary to use electron microscopy and / or molecular techniques, since they are subcellular, submicroscopic organisms that, for the most part, measure less than 300 nm. This cannot be seen under a light microscope, much less with the naked eye. Furthermore, they are obligate intracellular parasites, which makes their study and cultivation difficult outside of a susceptible organism. In this sense, electron microscopy techniques developed from the end of the 30's, and molecular techniques, developed from the end of the 70's, have been essential to be able to determine the presence of a virus.

    Now, it is one thing to detect the presence of a virus, and another thing to determine that that virus is the cause of a disease. Koch's postulates (and, more than 100 years later, Rivers's postulates) were proposed to determine this causality between a microorganism and a disease. As doctors and veterinarians, we correctly learn that a disease is rarely caused by a single factor. It is the interaction between factors of the host, the pathogen, and the environment that determines that someone becomes ill, but causality is when it is possible to demonstrate that this microorganism is effectively associated with that specific condition.

    Why do I mention this? Because, as I have explained before, it is completely true that the Koch / Rivers postulates have not been fulfilled for SARS-CoV-2, but they have not been fulfilled for many of the viruses that affect humans and other animals either. It does not mean a conspiracy. But given that the clinical picture is very broad, and unfortunately, the sole diagnostic criterion was based for months on a PCR test that detects one, two or three (depending on the country) fragments (of <200 bases each) of the genome of the virus (measuring over 30,000 bases), there is a serious problem. The test is run with many cycles of amplification, and this means that the detection of said fragment (s) in a gold or nasopharyngeal sample from an individual does not necessarily mean much in clinical terms. This became known about four to five months after the test became the sole diagnostic criterion for COVID-19. I have exposed this in many seminars since December 2020, where I have tried to present just that fact: when more than 28 cycles of amplification are run in the PCR to determine if they are positive or not, then there is a very high probability that the genetic material that it was detected to come from viruses that are not viable, or from fragments that have no clinical relevance. In other words, they are likely to be "false positives" from a COVID-19 diagnostic point of view.

    So, molecular and submicroscopic techniques have been applied to determine the presence of a "new" virus, which was first named nCOV-19, and later SARS-CoV-2. Its presence has also been demonstrated under electron microscopy, and in various studies it has been possible to take samples of pharyngeal exudates from people with clinical signs and with a positive PCR (with less than 28 cycles), centrifuge it, filter it with filters that exclude cellular debris and bacteria (remember that they are smaller than 200 nanometers) and the suspension of these viruses has been applied to cell cultures (they usually use green monkey kidney cells) to see their cytopathic effects (that is, to see the damage they cause).

    Here I share the PDF that describes the technique (published as a technique for the study of RNA viruses in 2016; on which they were based to describe to this virus now called SARS-CoV-2. It is the technique nothing more. I mark in yellow and in blue what is relevant to what they did in the post (see: which led to it being considered that there was a new virus, before the pandemic was declared by the WHO.

    Now, none of the things that I have said in this post or in the related posts, has to do with the fact that the origin of the virus is natural or is the product of genetic engineering and gain of function in the laboratory. Much has been published about it and it is not possible, at this time, to rule out either hypothesis. Technologically and technically it is possible to have generated this virus in the laboratory, but evolutionarily and ecologically it is also possible that it has arisen naturally. Some things (like the presence of a sequence that cuts the Furin protease), or its ability to establish itself so quickly in the population after an evolutionary jump from another host, are unusual but not impossible.

    I summarize then the main thing of this post and the posts related to the subject:
    1) Koch's postulates are not usually fully fulfilled to determine the causality of a virus for a given disease.
    2) 2) Molecular and sequencing techniques allow "assembling" the genome of a sample, identifying what belongs to the host, bacteria, and other organisms to get the sequence of a single thing.
    3) 3) The SARS-CoV-2 virus was detected based on those techniques described above in a sample from an adult with atypical pneumonia at the end of December 2019. Since then, more in-depth sequencing has been performed that has allowed assemble the genomes of other SARS-CoV-2 variants.
    4) 4) Based on the genetic similarity of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and what we know about the ecology and evolution of this viral family, it is not unlikely that it emerged naturally.
    5) 5) Based on the available technology, which has been applied in coronavirus for at least a decade and a half, it is not impossible that it has been manipulated in a laboratory.
    6) 6) Until we have more scientific evidence, until today, September 24, 2021, it is not possible to discern between point 4 and 5.
    7) 7) Regardless of its origin, the virus, in a low percentage of infected people, causes a severe condition characterized by excessive inflammation, coagulopathies, altered blood pressure, and endothelial damage.
    8) 8) These effects are mainly due to the virulence factor of SARS-CoV-2, which is the Spike protein.
    9) 9) One thing is the 'existence' of SARS-CoV-2 and quite another is the validity of the diagnostic criteria for COVID-19 cases. What I, and many other scientists, question is whether all the cases considered "COVID-19" are, in fact, the product of that infection.

    I hope this information is useful and I send you greetings, Karina AW
  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3288 Mr.X, Sep 26, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2021
    Government report does not recommend vaccination against SARSCOV2 in children and adolescents

    The Paul Ehrlich Institute is the German Federal Authority for Vaccine and Biomedicine Evaluation ( They recently (on September 20, 2021) published their safety report on the number of reported cases of adverse effects after vaccination against SARS-COV-2 in children and adolescents (12 to 17 years). They indicate in the report that the adverse effects of the Comirnaty vaccine (also called Tozinameran in Europe) produced by Pfizer / BioNTech in this age group has exceeded the number of hospitalizations related to COVID-19 in this same age group between March 2020 and July 2021. In 3 months of vaccination of children and adolescents, 1,228 children and adolescents have presented adverse reactions, while in 16 months of the pandemic 1,225 children and adolescents were hospitalized with COVID-19. This means that if we calculate the events per month, then the vaccines are adversely affecting children and adolescents at a rate 5.3 times higher than the same SARS-COV-2, which is the virus against which they seek protection. vaccines. The most serious adverse effects reported by that Federal Agency are heart conditions (myocarditis and pericarditis), pulmonary embolism and ascending Guillain-Barré palsy, of which I have already explained the mechanism by which they occur. Three of the 1,228 effects were so severe that they resulted in death between 2 and 24 days after receiving the vaccine.

    Reading these data forces us to question (at least some) what we are doing. Applying a vaccine to protect a son or daughter against a virus that is very harmless in children and adolescents, but whose impact has been grossly exaggerated in practically all the media, I understand that it is the wish of a father or mother. That desire is given out of fear and out of love for their children; And it leads to even obtaining protections for the vaccine to be applied to them, or the decision to vaccinate them is based on wanting them to have 'a normal life' in which they are allowed to participate in sporting or recreational events and trips abroad. However, more and more evidence is emerging that not only is immunization against SARS-COV-2 unnecessary in this age group, but that, as reported by the German Federal Agency, these vaccines harm, can cause permanent injuries and can even reach to cause the death of their children. It seems to me that, if you open up to the truth, love finds no sustenance in fear. Deciding from knowledge is completely different.

    The report, written in German, can be downloaded at and you can read more about the journalistic analysis of this note at

    I hope this information is useful to you and I send you greetings. Let's continue enjoying Sunday! Karina AW
  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3289 Mr.X, Sep 27, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
    Autopsies of vaccinated people who died after vaccination

    A few days ago the results of the autopsies carried out by German pathologists on 10 people who died after inoculation of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine were presented. The results were presented at a press conference at the Reutinglen Institute of Pathology. The two pathologists, Professor Arne Burkhardt (director of the Institute) and Professor Yang (specialized in pulmonary pathology for more than three decades), in collaboration with other pathologists, investigated the causes of death of these 10 people (5 men and 5 women), who died between the ages of 54 and 95. In their report they conclude that five of the 10 cases can be attributed with certainty to the vaccine, two were probably related to the vaccine, two were not related and one of the cases was inconclusive. You can see the video on Dr. Natalia Prego's Rumble channel:

    I clarify that Professor Burkhardt is a specialist in pathology and has published articles and books on immunopathology and ultrastructural lesions. I comment on this because it is becoming more and more common for what someone has said is discredited when he challenges official narratives, and I want it to be clear that he is specialized precisely in the disciplines relevant to the performance, interpretation and understanding of autopsy findings that He performed.

    One of the most important findings they reported was the discovery of lymphocytic infiltration in all organs. Lymphocytes (cells of the adaptive immune system) were present in the lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, heart and uterus, among other organs, and due to this infiltration of lymphocytes, atypical lymph nodes (known as lymphocytic follicles) were generated in places where they were not they should be. This finding is extremely rare. In hundreds of thousands of autopsies performed, Professor Lang has not found these types of lymphocytic follicles, which were characterized by not having any granulocytes (cells that can be found in cases of inflammation). The mechanisms by which these lymphocytic follicles may have formed are not yet known, and much more research will be needed, but finding them in most vaccinated and screened postmortem people is relevant and concerning.

    They also found endothelial cells (remember that the endothelium is the layer of cells that lines blood vessels on the inside) that aggregated with red blood cells, forming thrombi that lodged in various parts of the body.

    Finally, they mentioned that in 3 of the 10 cases, lesions caused by rare autoimmune processes (autoimmune hypothyroidism, leukoclastic vasculitis and inflammation of the salivary glands known as Sjögren's syndrome) were observed. Finding 3 cases of autoimmunity in 10 people who died exceeds the expected rate in the population.

    These pathological findings are related to that observed by another pathologist, Professor Schirmacher, Director of the Institute of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), who analyzed the post-mortem studies of more than 40 people who died in the two weeks after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. According to their observations reported at the beginning of August 2021 ( -censored /), 30 to 40% of the people he examined died from the vaccine, with lesions including cerebral venous thrombosis and lesions caused by autoimmunity. He said it is very likely that deaths caused by vaccination are being underreported since many pathologists do not have data to determine this causality.

    Although not all scientists agreed with what was reported by Schirmacher (others, including the Federal Association of German Pathologists, did), given that very few autopsies are being performed on people who die after vaccination, there is a need It is urgent and real that countries begin to carry out these detailed post-mortem analyzes, objectively (incidentally, this is also needed to determine the cause of death in SARS-COV-2 test-positive patients for to be able to differentiate it from those infected who die from other causes). At the end of the day, if the guidelines of the World Health Organization itself are followed, that is essential to be able to determine the causality of vaccines towards the deaths that are occurring (I have already written about this and shared the article scientist where they talk about the importance of autopsies).

    I hope this information is useful to you and I send you greetings, Karina AW
  10. MrG

    MrG MDL Expert

    May 31, 2010
    I'm sure not all vaccines are not created equal.
    So the what vaccine are they referring to in these reports?
    Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, Bharat Biotech, Sputnik V, or CanSino Biologics
  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    What reports? This one?
    Then read the first page:
  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  13. vladnil

    vladnil MDL Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2019
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  14. freddie-o

    freddie-o MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    #3295 freddie-o, Sep 27, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021
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  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    An excerpt from the PDF
    :D:eek: confirmed. Elites know we are sheeple, stupid as hell.
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #3297 Mr.X, Sep 27, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2021
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Luckily, I am not waiting for your enlightenment, else this would be torture... :D Just not a masochist, me... :rolleyes: :D
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    This is your level, quite frankly... :p


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  19. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Antioxidants and COVID19

    Dear Akasha Community Members: Since the WHO declared a COVID-19 pandemic, the various treatments that were proposed by the medical community have been discredited almost consistently. Although the media tirelessly echoed the rapid accumulation of cases and deaths, they emphasized that the disease had no treatment and ridiculed (ridiculed) any proposal. However, from the autopsies performed a couple of months after the pandemic began, the pathologists and infectologists were able to provide the necessary knowledge about what the virus caused in the body. Without that information, it was virtually impossible to determine the appropriate treatment. So that this post is not kilometric (and because I have covered it in detail in various presentations) I will mention the most relevant here:
    Despite causing respiratory signs and symptoms (dry cough and decrease in oxygen saturation), these do not originate directly from the replication of the virus and much less from viral cytolytic activity (the virus does not lyse cells and does not replicate in high rate in the lung epithelium in most people). These signs are caused by a severe dysregulated inflammation that causes the accumulation of oxygen free radicals and promotes the infiltration of immune cells in various tissues, both causing cellular damage. When this damage occurs in the respiratory tract, it causes coughing and prevents the diffusion of oxygen in the pulmonary alveoli. Signs and symptoms also occur due to alterations in coagulation (formation of thrombi) and alterations in blood pressure as a consequence of the effects of the virus's Spike protein on the endothelium (inner wall) of blood vessels. In other words, the clinical picture is caused mainly by our immune responses, in addition to damage to the vascular endothelium.

    It also became clear that the majority of people who were infected had mild signs, and various articles indicated that this could be due, among other factors, to the presence of cross-immunity caused by antibodies and T lymphocytes generated against previous infections with other coronaviruses. common.
    Once the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 was understood, then protocols based on the early administration of potent anti-inflammatory drugs (especially those that turn off the transcription factor NF-KB), immunomodulators, antioxidants, endothelial protectors, antibiotics for control opportunistic bacterial infections and (in some cases) anticoagulants.

    You can see several of these protocols in the Action Guide for Different COVID-19 Scenarios that we have shared on this channel, as well as in publications by Dr. McCullough ( , the FLCCC, etc. (which can be consulted in Medical Protocols (

    In addition, it is becoming increasingly clear, from scientific studies, that COVID-19 is a disease that shows deficiencies in immune function and nutritional status. In this post I wanted to share with you an article that was published in the middle of last year, and that did not receive much attention, but that I think is important. The article ( proposes, as a hypothesis, the importance of glutathione to avoid the severe picture of COVID-19. Since oxidative stress is known to be important in determining susceptibility to various disease agents, it was proposed that glutathione might influence the response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and the resulting disease.

    From that article, many studies have been conducted and many reviews written showing that glutathione, as well as other antioxidants, do indeed play a role in determining the severity of COVID-19. For example:
    Diets high in antioxidants, selenium, and zinc were even seen to significantly influence the recovery of COVID-19 patients ( and their role has been seriously reviewed. in protecting the heart and liver from common oxidative processes in inflammation ( As revolutionary as it may seem to some, yes, diets influence immune responses and the resolution of infectious diseases.

    There are various therapeutic approaches to prevent inflammation, endothelial damage, and their consequences from impacting patients so that they end up intubated in intensive care. If doctors know and understand the pathogenesis of COVID-19, they may remember that they have sufficient and adequate knowledge to avoid applying one-size-fits-all 'protocols' to treat COVID-19, but rather to understand what causes the SARS-CoV-2 virus. in the context of your patient, who has a certain age, sex, medical history, nutrition, and condition.

    I hope this information is useful to you and I send you my regards, Karina AW