Thanks for the quick reply. This problem is really driving me to the edge. My account is the only one on this computer and it is administrator. Just noticed these two happening during boot: Event 1530, User Profile Service AND
I am trying to get this to work with Vista Ultimate (32bit) SP1. I keep getting event 7000 errors in my system logs: The Crack Tcpip service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.
I see where my mistake was. I put cracktcpip in the windows\system32 folder instead of windows\system32\drivers. Correction worked like a charm. Thanks bro!
Hmm.. Is it really working with the new KB952709 pack, which updates the tcpip.sys to the version 6.0.6001.18063 (x86) ? I started to get Event ID 4226 errors again after the update. I re-installed the tcpip driver-patch with no success still 4226 errors...
Thanks, I had tried the replacement of tcpip.sys before I had found this one. I restored to bring it back to normal. Guess I'll have to try again.
Not sure yet. I did an update reinstall. Now I've gotta reinstall my updates :/ I'm going to try the crack after that. Also I was wondering. Is that a typo or is it actually two D's?
It is two D's, not a typo.. You can see the available comands by typing "bcdedit" in CMD. One of the comands displayed will be DDISABLE.....
Starting my downloads now. I'll know in anywhere from 5-24 hours whether it worked or not. Thanks for all your help so far