Glad that I could help, waiting to see your report if everithing works as expected... Have a nice day...
To check if Cracktcpip.sys is installed and working do the folowing. Open the "Device Manager", from the "View" menu select "Show hiden devices". Under the section "Non-Plug and Play Drivers" you can find the "Crack Tcpip" displayed. Double click on it and under the "Driver" tab you can see if it is working or not.
Alright Thanks for all your help Even if it hasn't fixed my problem completely, my torrents have been running a lot longer without disconnect. Strange. haven't had a disconnect yet today. Maybe it'll just work better at different times. Either way, it's good enough for me.
petar - regarding your question - I'm using the latest v744 cracktcpip driver, and it's working properly under Vista SP1 x86 + latest perf. pack which updates the tcpip.sys driver. In order to be sure I've reinstalled cracktcpip again - same 4226 error-results
i cant even think of a scenario (including p2p) that actually would require you to remove that limit...unless youre trying to DDOS someone^^ Ive been using MS OS with and without the fixes for ages and theres no fekkin improvement above excellent thruput i have with or without that "limitation". Talking about p2p especially here. Maybe if you HOST a huge load of files and accept a huge load of peers and have monstrous upload pipe..but i even doubt that. Otherwise raisig amount of connections above reasonable values is mostly even contraproductive due to a massive overhead and system load created. A lot more improvement for the typical power user is gained from using transport layer based packet priorization done by tools like CFOS/CFOS SPEED. Especially for asymetric connection types such as DSL. Mostly these "fixes" are installed by people that would wear rabbit paws around their neck to gain fertility in the bedroom. Next in play comes your hardware router if you have one..which would be the first place to look for if you suffer from chokes in p2p and other things. Those tend to be the main reason for the malaise suffered.
It seems that you have a great deal of knoledge about networking. I have read all of the CISCO semesters and in your post i've seen things that I heard of for the first time. Can you please explain a bit more about the terms in your post...that is, if you have the time. Thanks... BTW, at this moment I'm seeding 32 torrents, with 30 peers per torrent. And two megapacks with 300 peers per tprrent. So in my case the limit in the conection atempts per second is wery important, couse if I turn off the Cracktcpip.sys, the internet conection is lost almost instantly. And the problem isnt coused by the router, couse my other PC conected to the same router works fine, while at the same time this one does not has internet connection.
thank you all I heve just finished my utorrent/web browser probem by your help guys. And I must say I really am not a compoter guy (more like total idiot). I have vista home premium 32, and I used CrackTcpipv744 tool. Many tanks.
The problem with my constant disconnecting may be due to something with my router. In my router i constantly get this message: [Service blocked: ICMP_echo_req] from source, Thursday, Jun 26,2008 18:57:39 [Service blocked: ICMP_echo_req] from source, Thursday, Jun 26,2008 18:56:39 I get that like every minute or so, it may help to note that the IP is that of my modem. I am using a Netgear router.
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol Or ICMP request is in fact when you request for responce from some computer or router on the network using the ping comand. PING = Packet InterNet Grouper Why the service is bloked from the router, I cant say. Try googling for some other users expirience with your router model.
I think we need an updated cracktcpip, because MS probably changed the hex-address where to apply this patch.
I have all the updates installed and Cracktcpip.sys is working well. It is realy strange that Cracktcpip.sys is loaded and you still get the 4226 error. Edit. Missed the update....