I verify now and it seems my event viewer is having problem to start, it says: Event viewer service is unavaliable. Verify that the servie is running. Ok, so i go to the services and try to start again the: Windows event log service, and pop up a message: Error 4201: The instace name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider. What is this? Is this event viewer problem have any relation with the Crack Tcpip driver? What is the solution? Replace the Tcpip.sys to the 1800 version? Now i'm scared
To be honest, I have no idea what this problem / message with event viewer means, and how to solve. First thing I would try: reboot the system. Does event viewer now work? But I am quite sure that there is no relation between your event viewer problem, cracktcpip.sys and tcpip.sys. If these two drivers don´t work together, you get event ID 4226. That´s all.
Ok, i fixed the Event viewer problem and i was able to see that i was havin' the Event id 4226! I'm stupid noob and i forgot to verify the event log... So, i replace the Tcpip.sys-18063 by the 1800 version that petar posted before. And with torrent and eMule on together, till now, nothing about event iD4226! Thanks for clarify the details for me mhepweb Just one question: Is there a way to change the max tcpip conections number on the Crack tcpip driver? Seems the driver have only 255 max connections. Is that right?
OK great, thanks a lot. Did not know that....... Just one question: do you mean Start > Run > cmd > "takeown /F C:\Windows\system32\drivers\tcpip.sys" ? after "takeown" is one space charakter? and after "F" is one space charakter, too?
Hello guys. Just got a new laptop with windows vista home premium. I ve never used vista before.. Well the first think i did was download uTorrent and download some stuff. While i was downloading with 100 k/b suddenly my internet just died. Not only in uTorrent but all other programs too. I had to do a restart to get my internet back.. Well, to cut it short, i read in the internet about the limitation with TCP in Vista. So i followed the instructions from here.. I copied the tcpip.sys 18000 version along with the crack tcpip .sys in system32/drivers. Installed the registry entries and run the .bat file. At first i thought it worked, but after some hours my internet died again. Is there anything more i can do? I am a real newbie in vista so pls be gentle! Thx guyz!
Thx for the quick reply.. Well.. 1) Check! 2)I did everything it says after i copied the tcpip.sys 18000 version in drivers folder. Also i didnt do this.. “bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS” .. I am on 32 bit.. Do i need to do it? 3) Done 4) This device is working properly. 5) I did that right know.. Dont know if there is any change yet.. 6) Since i installed cracktcpip.sys i got NO 4226.. but my connection dies at random times.. The event viewer doesnt say anything anout this.. Now what?! Wait and see?? EDIT: do i need to change anything in registry??
Well so far so good.. No dying connections yet.. I ll wait for some more replies! Thx for your help mhepweb! EDIT : Connection died again.. Hmm, i wonder what i am doing wrong...
Lower your net.max_halfopen untill the conection becomes stable. net.max_halfopen can be found at uToorent's advanced settings. If that doesnt helps you, then your computer is probably infected and used as SPAM-ing machine.
Hey petar. Thx for the reply. I ve set utorrent settings according to your past post. I ll try lowering it to 150 and wait.. What do you mean infected? I got Kaspersky with latest definitions..
Hmmmm. I use antivirus my self, but I dont relay on it that everyhting is OK. From time to time, I do a manual check on my reg. to see what is actulay loading durin boot. Try using process explorer and autoruns, you will see what I mean.
I do that too.. No proccess seems dangerous from what i can see. I am thinking of removing the update to get the original tcpip.sys 18000 version back.. Do you think that would help?
I think one of the things neglected to be mentioned here, is the tcpip stack in vista is mangled. They never finished the code at the time of release, and here it is several years later, and they still haven't fixed it.
Could you please provide some actual proof ? Or just stop trolling ? Half-Open limit was made on purpose (as in all XP post-SP2's). TCP autotune was existing in all OS'es except Windows, and at least Vista catched back. So did the IPV6 - in XP it was merely as an add-on forced to bind with XP's TCPIP stack, in Vista it is included from scratch. BTW - your (and mine) comment was so offtopic, so mod - if you feel the urge - please delete them.
Ok, what you said made absolutely no sense. At least you acknowledged that MS completely re-wrote the entire tcpip stack from the ground up, BUT what you fail to seem to understand, is that they couldn't finish the code in time for deployment, so they shipped vista with only a partially functional tcpip stack. Think of Vista as compared to what they did with Windows ME, and its still not fixed. I do not need to provide you with proof, this should be common knowledge. You have a computer, use it. google.