test mode watermark?? okay so i gave this a try as i got tired of using the F8 key on reboot and i thought it all went fine as i didn't have to use the F8 key and it booted fine until i got to the desktop where it now says 'test mode' in all four corners of the screen. What gives? did i miss something? i'm using 64bit if that matters and i shut off UAC.
@L.F.B. ?? No, your file/folder hierarchy must be half-open-limit-fix.exe tools capicom.dll CertMgr.exe certmgr.msc makecert.exe ...etc @Bosco Don't know what happened with you. I am using SP1 x64 with all hotfixes. Have no "testmode" screen whether with or without UAC.
Hey guys. I formatted my laptop and installed Vista with SP1. I am using the Half Open program to increase the tcpip connections to 250. Now the weird thing is that i dont get any 4226 errors in event viewer but my internet connection always dies after about 20 minutes of torrent downloading. Any ideas what should i do now? Thx..
This is the main reason why I went back to XP. Torrents & vista just did not work for me. My connection was always locking up. Even if i went to web pages too fast, everything just came to a stop & I would have to reboot.
Hmm thats bad.. I dont want to go back to XP now.. Is there any other solution? Anyone tried running XP via Virtual pc and use torrents in there?
Are you using a router ? Is it compatible with vista ? If not - disable the tcp ip auto tuning feature under vista.
I am using a USB modem. I didnt disable the tcpip auto tuning feature .. Is that necessary if i use the half open program? Thx for the reply
It seems that your torrent program is set up badly. To set the max connected peers per torrent do this: 1. Open uTorrent preferenes. 2. Click on bitTorrent tab. 3. The upper box is for the number of max global connections for all torrents upload an download together.(set it to 9000), to be able to download 30 torrents X 300 connections per torrent. 4. The lower box is for the number of max connections for a single torrent.(set it to 300 connections). To set the net max half open connections(connection atempts per second), do this: 1. Open uTorrent preferenes. 2. Click on the advanced tab. 3. Scrol down the list to bt.conect_speed and set it to the value you like.(set it to 250) ( 250 is still a very high value I set my torrent program to 150) Note. bt.connect_speed: This option specifies the number of connections µTorrent should make each second up to the net.max_halfopen limit. 4 . Scool down the list to net.max_halfopen.(set it to 250) ( 250 is still a very high value I set my torrent program to 150) Note. net.max_halfopen: This option specifies how many connections µTorrent should attempt to establish simultaneously at any given time. On systems running Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), if your TCPIP.sys file is unpatched, you should leave this option at its default value. 1. Open uTorrent preferenes. 2. Click on the advanced tab. 3. Scrol down the list to net.outgoing_max_port and set it 65535. Note. net.outgoing_max_port: This sets the upper limit for the outgoing port range. If this option is set to some invalid port number or some value less than "net.outgoing_port," it gets ignored, and only "net.outgoing_port" gets looked at (meaning the outgoing port "range" will actually be a single outgoing port). Note. With this settings the 4227 error should not be so comon. And other problems would not be so comon issue. As I explaned seeting the connection attempts per second to very haigh value is actulay overloading your conection ports.
latest half-open limit fix v2.3 totally corrupts x64 versions of vista. Endless blue-screen/reboot cycle upon loading of vista. safemode, normal, command prompt, all blue screen/reboot. can anyone post an older working version?
I can send it to you if you mail me. I don`t understand why BSOD appear. Maybe you used any other patches before my? CrackTcp? Have you deleted it?
On my Vista x64, no probllems with 2.3 - works great! Thanks so very much for the great work Half-Open!
Unbelievable! All this time i thought that tcpip was the cause of my network problems. I just updated my USB Modem drivers and i have no more disconnections! Anyone who is still having problems should update their drivers to be compatible with vista.. Thank you everyone for your help!