I'll just write the script and leave it up to the user to pick/edit a file. I'm working now, as soon as I get home. ah HA! Maybe my file is okay after all lol ... well actually I know the file is okay because it's working for me ... your computer must hate you. Very very odd ...
OK guys, try this on! I wrote it to only replace 3 files ... the ones in System32\en-US WinSxS\ WinSxS\Backup Only the AMD64 SP1 files, theres no need to replace the 32-bit or pre-SP1 files. If you really want to though, you can add the paths to those files to the batch files FOR loop(s). There's a readme included, and the script will also check the MD5 sigs of the installed files for you to compare to the original before you reboot. So download, extract, read the README, and run the batch file. Let me know if you run into any problems! You don't have to worry about the "Access denied" messages you see, those are just for when it can't backup a file. It will backup the file in System32\en-US. AS LONG AS ALL THE _MD5 SIGS_ PRINTED DURING THE SCRIPT MATCH THE ONE AT THE END, YOU'RE GOOD TO GO! Sample output: Code: SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "C:\Windows\System32\en-US\user32.dll.mui" now owned by the administrators group. processed file: C:\Windows\System32\en-US\user32.dll.mui Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files 1 file(s) copied. SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-user32.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_en-us_9a1c934de37aab43\user32.dll.mui" now owned by the administrators group. processed file: C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-user32.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_en-us_9a1c934de37aab43\user32.dll.mui Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files Access is denied. 1 file(s) copied. SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "C:\Windows\winsxs\Backup\amd64_microsoft-windows-user32.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_en-us_9a1c934de37aab43_user32.dll.mui_14652dbb" now owned by the administrators group. processed file: C:\Windows\winsxs\Backup\amd64_microsoft-windows-user32.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_en-us_9a1c934de37aab43_user32.dll.mui_14652dbb Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files Access is denied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. user32.dll.mui f366fbfcad63d9ff6e844bb3a1616bb3 user32.dll.mui f366fbfcad63d9ff6e844bb3a1616bb3 amd64_microsoft-windows-user32.resourc... f366fbfcad63d9ff6e844bb3a1616bb3 ---------------------------------------------------- All MD5 sigs above should match the original: user32.dll.mui f366fbfcad63d9ff6e844bb3a1616bb3 ---------------------------------------------------- Go ahead and reboot!
Anyone know if Ready Driver Plus will work with x64 SP1? I didn't see mention of that here, seems like another possible solution? I'm a newb at this, just trying to be able to browse the web while torrenting, voip etc. =\ Also not looking forward to a patch from MS that knocks this all out if I get it setup.. haha..
Yes, I found it The way i found it was in fact to search a similar of the old version "0f 87 24 01 00 00" and compare the surrounds parts.
Tested and its working perfect... After the reboot I had no more watermarks. Thank you! edit: Well, my computer got very slow and i didn't find out what is was (sorry for my norwegian-english ) So i rebooted. Back in vista, and all the watermarks are back
I have same result as Jale, it lags my system but then after another reboot, the "Test Mode" reappear Any help on this? Hik hik... Edit: And oh, when I performed the second time, reboot the whole system. My Wi-Fi won't connect to Internet but instead limited to local access only (I don't know if I mess around with Deq's script batch) but for sure, I did not modify anything when executing the script.
Well try another user32.dll.mui instead of mine. Jale for the life of him couldn't get mine working, no idea why though ... I'm really confuddled lol ... it's been working fine on my machine for over a month!
I imagine the newly "available" XP SP3 (cough-Pirate Bay--cough) is looking more and more tempting for some right about now. Vista insanity sometimes is too much, and this is just one such example.
True, Vista just give me headache +_+ I'll try other user32dll.mui but thank you so much dumppq, although not able to remove the watermark at least I know where to put the other user32dll.mui
@dumppq What are the exact steps you take, before, and after replacing these files to where your "Test Mode" watermark is removed on your machine? Do you set TESTSIGNING mode first, reboot, and then replace the files? or do you replace the files, reboot, then set Testsigning mode and then reboot? or what??? :-o There are several ways I suppose, Im just curious as to the exact way you do it, because I have tried a couple, and I still have the Test Mode watermark regardless.
Anyway, I perform the TCPIP.sys patch, with test mode remove. How do I check that the 4226 event is not there? Well, my uTorrent still has slow download :/ I wonder why.. On my other laptop using XP SP2, the torrent can download till 50 KB/s. With this Vista, I can only have 10-20 KB/s. Does this mean I still have the problem? Thanks before, newbie here
Drably, I (think I) did it in one fell swoop (only one reboot) ... - patched my copy of tcpip.sys / test-signed it - enabled test-signing - took ownership/rights over tcpip.sys - renamed the old one tcpip.sys.old - moved the new one in - patched my copy of user32.dll.mui - took ownership/rights over the 3 files - backed them up where possible - renamed them and moved the new one in, or overwrote them (the one in system32 was the only one I was able to rename, the other had to be overwritten) - ... uhhhh I think thats it! rebooted and it's been fine ever since :-\
i think this is the thread i need to get in for this. I get a lot of event 4226 in vista x64 and i tried to patch the tcpip.sys, but i get an error when trying to testsign it. (also tried to testsign the availeble tcpip that was posted here following the instuctions but i couldnt get past the testsigning part.) I dont really mind patching it or not, but when i open an application like mediaplayer or any game, i get the event 4226 and it slows down my internet too much to even open a webpage. Is this normal? or do i have a vista incompatible wlan card ( WL-138v2)? I hope i can get some directions to get past the testsigning?
re If you have installed MUI language pack, switch language to your OS native language, restart pc, copy it to reserved system accounts, restart pc, switch language back to your language, restart pc, copy it to reserved system accounts and restart pc. I had same problem and I found out this solution, which helped me. Sorry for my bad English ;o)
@Efendy you can check for the error 4226 in the Event Viewer. The Event Viewer can be foun in the Contorol Panel under Administrative Tools, that is open Control Panel and then click on the Adminitsrative Tools and on the Event Viewer. Once the Event Viwer is open expand the section Custom Views and click on Administrative Events. Here is the list of all Administartive Events, and all you have to do is scrool down the list and see if there is 4226 error.