Then, things should be much more simple with using "ReadyDriver Plus 1.1" to replace pressing [F8] for bypassing integrity checking, and then replacing the tcpip driver manually and finally the registry modification you mentioned above...
Yessir, if you can't get the "Test Mode" message to go away (or don't want to deal with it ), RD+ would be a simple alternative. I haven't looked at that in a while, does that support SP1?
That's kinda odd ... I have Dreamscene installed, but it's not running (just using a JPG as my wallpaper) so I didn't think it needed mentioning ... but good work! Hopefully it's reproducable.
It is But the interesting point is why vista sp1 needs to be "pushed" by installing Dreamscene ... even after uninstall of Dreamscene you can now patch user32.dll.mui without problems.
Hello all, i am come from hongkong. I am poor in english.. Just want to ask, if i want to use "ReadyDriver Plus 1.1" to past F8 check, what is the step cracking tcpip? and it is work in x64 SP1? Thank you
Hi, a bit confused. Can someone make a new and updated Post, what x64 Vista Users must do, to enable more half connections without watermark and everything else? That would be great, thank you.
Weird, no matter what I do, I can not turn off Integrity check on my Vista x64 ultimate. Even the one from boot doesnt work since my system still blocks all unsigned drivers.... anyone got any ideas?
Hello I cant seem to get any change in download or upload speeds, I have Vista Home premium 32-bit I copyed the cracktcpip.sys into system32/drivers, installed the registry and ran the run.bat under adminsitrator, restarted the computer and nothing changed at all also I have 600118000-vista sp1 rtm
We are having the same problem. Vista Home Premium 32 bit. The service does not show up in the list of Services and when I try to net start it I receive the following error : C:\>net start cracktcpip System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Ok, found my problem. The command prompt needed to be "run as adminisatrator". The service still does not show up in the Services list, but it does start. I bumped the half-open connections setting in our P2p program, restarted it and checked the Event log. So far no new 4226 errors. Keeping our fingers crossed
If you dont see something that doesnt means it is not there. The service is regiserd as Non Plug and Play root legacy device. If you want to see it, open the device manager and in view click on Show Hiden Devices. Then under the Non-Plug and Play Drivers there shall be Crack Tcpip.
He means to put that copy statement into a .bat file (just use Notepad), then execute it when you boot from your Vista DVD. That step isn't actually necessary, you can use one of the many "Take Ownership" scripts around here and replace it while the system is running.
hi to all, i would like to have your help to fully "unlock" my vista ultimate 64bit...i would like to know which order i have to follow to install my windows vista. i know that i have to: install vista disable uac (how???) install sp1 install updates install drivers install new tcpip (i have a modded vista dvd so i can't go to repair mode, does exist another method to copy the file??i've tried with miniXT pe but i can't modify or delete original tcpip.sys!!) install ready driver plus BUT I DON'T KNOW THE ORDER!! COULD YOU HELP ME?? I'M GOING CRAZY!!! p.s sory for my very bad english!!