To some people, it just a job. Here's some antenna climbing that takes plenty of strength and stamina. And once you are at the top, you are only half way home. You still have to get down safely.
Wasn't there already a thread about such videos?! I remember a russian video which showed th 'roofer' scenes climbing on buildings and other things to 'impress' others. We talked about how dangerous that is, maybe the thread was deleted or moved?!
someone likes?? well at least I love it until I was 20 and a few years old I also participated a lot in these competitions, but today, although I am an old man sometimes I participate in bikes and I still have some qualities. This is my world I love 2 wheels and also my bike was myself build anyway I still prefer 2-stroke bikes mainly Suzuky, Honda, Yamaha and KTM is crazy trust me