I did that because on the first page of the thread I read this... Note:Oembios filesets are not included in the downloads,so you must first download all the "Uncompressed" oembios filesets from HERE and the recompile the archive again with 7 zip only before you integrate the archive with RyanVm Integrator I am trying what you said right now...
Hi everyone Do you think we will ever see a download available on the site with a pre made XP muti oem iso already made up ready for site members to download? or am I being too lazy ? many thanks great site !
Did what tcntad said to do, but the product key is still popping up after I enter the user info. Here is a copy of my WINNT.SIF Maybe there is something in here out of wack? ;SetupMgrTag [ Data ] AutoPartition=0 UnattendedInstall="Yes" AutomaticUpdates=yes MsDosInitiated=No [ Unattended ] OemSkipEula=Yes TargetPath=\WINDOWS WaitForReboot="No" Repartition=No OemPreinstall=Yes DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore [ GuiUnattended ] DetachedProgram = CMD.EXE Arguments="/Q /C FOR /F %? IN ('%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\MOUNTVOL.EXE^|FINDSTR :\') DO IF EXIST %?OEM\OEMAUTO.EXE START %?OEM\OEMAUTO.EXE" AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=0 OemSkipWelcome=1 [ UserData ] ProductKey= [ Display ] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 Vrefresh=60 [ SystemRestore ] DisableSR=1 CreateFirstRunRp=0 [ Identification ] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [ Networking ] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [ IEPopupBlocker ] BlockPopups=No [ Components ] msmsgs=off [ Branding ] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [ URL ] Home_Page=http :/ /www . google . com ; ; Edited by DriverPacks BASE 10.06 ; http :// www . driverpacks . net/ ; GUIRunOnce command9="%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe" Had to put spaces in the web addresses and the brackets [ ]
well I necer recompressed it to a new archive and it worked for me There is no key at all in winnt.sif, but it shoudnt matter as it should install from the config file with keys. Well I have made isos for all brands and all oembiosfiles here at mdl, check them out and try it. its not an multioem but still.
But to have a multioem DVD iso download available would be nice tcntad ps. thanks for alll your work on the other isos much appreciated !
your welcome Well yea I had one with oem, drivers and updates but since i had an hp with compaq slp i got compaq key and logo instead of HP, its beacuse the laptop had two strings and the addon picks the first slp existing in bios thats why I never released it. Its a known "bug"
well a compaq key and logo instead of HP isnt the end of the world !! as they are in fact one of the same company now will your OEM dvd ever be available to download on the site? regards
@ logicwatch Well i don't think u are using a clean untouched windows xp sp3 cd...it is very important to use an untouched iso to create multi oem dvd because other oem dvd that are available on other torrent sites may include some missing files or some unwanted things...so just try the whole thing again and i am sure this procees will work @ tcntad well you can choose your own logo and slp for activation even if you have more than one slp strings in your bios...the key for this is that you should put your preferred slp string or oem higher in the ini file for processing...for ex: if you want an hp logo instead of compaq logo then just put the hp lines above the compaq line in the oemscan.ini file..this will then result in installation of hp logos rather than compaq logos
Yea I knew that Just that others might want compaq logo then instead but well I could release a DVD with oem addon, drivers and onepiece updatepack if anyone wants..
if you're too lazy and others might want one then yea sure.. An XP AIO would be nice just to have. Perhaps I can work on it..
thanks tcntad I and many others will await your result . please let us know in the future when its available. regards
Onepiece update pack OEM addon + OEM Bios files Driverpacks official only = 2.8 GB ISO The rest (3rd party) will fit in just perfect, Ill see if I can test this in vmware..
All available on MDL = approx 90 brands.. But im having some problems with activating, Ill try again. It woudnt autoactivate sony slp (in vmware using searchengines script to add slp) Didnt think that I could enter MS SLP but hey..
Is it not going to plan ? I thought it was fairly straight forward to you and that you already had made one of these previously tcntad ? I hope I have not inconvenienced you too much ?