Creating a Windows 8.1 AIO with Media Center manually

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by ambidav, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Windows 8.x setup files for Windows 7 AIO (install.esd)

    As you obviously already know, Windows 7 setup files are not able to read esd files and the common solution turns out to be the use of Windows 8.x setup files.

    I see 2 main advantages doing that:
    1. Possibility to make use of esd files.
    2. Workaround the lack of mass storage drivers found in Windows 7 boot.wim sufficiently compatible with newer controllers.

    However, I need to know:
    a. Potential disadvantages, issues, loss of functionality, if any, and else advantages I can't see or think right now.
    b. Is it correct to use the whole setup files found on Windows 8.x installation media?
  2. son goku

    son goku MDL Novice

    Nov 5, 2013
    After creating the Windows 8.1 AIO ISO using this method, do you just burn the ISO image with any image burning software (Imgburn/Clone CD) and it's ready?
    Does the resulting Windows 8.1 AIO DVD/USB installer after using this method works with no problem on UEFI system? I mean, will the Windows 8.1 AIO DVD/USB installer created with this method be fully compatible with UEFI system natively and not needing to set the “legacy” mode in UEFI firmware? And it can boot and install Windows 8.1 in UEFI without problem?
  3. TziMmys

    TziMmys MDL Junior Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    OK, firstly thank for this.

    I am trying to do an all in one with media center. I dont need enterprise, so I leave outside "
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:c:\win81aio\entx86\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:c:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Enterprise" /compress:maximum" and
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:c:\win81aio\entx64\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:c:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Enterprise" /compress:maximum.

    But then, when I get to
    Dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /index:7 /mountdir:C:\win81aio\mount
    I get an error. If I continue, everything is ok, but I get

    win 8.1 x86
    win 8.1 pro x86
    win 8.1 with media center x86
    win 8.1 x64
    win 8.1 pro x64
    win 8.1 pro x64

    I dont get win 8.1 with media center x64. Any ideas? Thank you!!

    Never mind, found it. Because I left enterprise editions out of this, I should use index 6 and not 7. Everything went smooth this way. Thanks!!
  4. g0pi

    g0pi MDL Novice

    Dec 6, 2011
    0 has been banned and Shutdown :(
  5. TziMmys

    TziMmys MDL Junior Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    I create an AIO and everything is ok. I can boot from this, even from a usb flash drive and install what I want. But when I try with sardu, this AIO is not working. If anyone has a suggestion....
  6. ahirzamani

    ahirzamani MDL Novice

    Dec 28, 2014
    I made my windows this process is available in Windows 8.1 or 8.1 update 3 but did not update the index numaralarında 3 errors are
  7. ahirzamani

    ahirzamani MDL Novice

    Dec 28, 2014
    I am getting error 3 error
  8. bambamtusa

    bambamtusa MDL Member

    Jul 18, 2011
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. chengailier

    chengailier MDL Novice

    Oct 14, 2010
    as your teaching i make one and i test it is very good, thanks
  10. kernalk

    kernalk MDL Novice

    Dec 30, 2012
    #1490 kernalk, Jan 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I'm fairly sure I'm going mad with this and it's late so please pardon me if I've missed anything blindingly obvious.

    I've tried this methods multiple times in the last few hours - each time with exactly the same result. I always end up with exactly 1 image in the WIM, regardless of how many I export into it, and it is always the last one that I've tried (i.e., if I do x86 core followed by x86 pro, dism /get-wiminfo just lists x86 pro. If I then add x86 ent, that becomes the only image).

    I can't work out where I'm going wrong with this. Can you spot my error? It's really stupid - it must be. What have I missed?

    ISOs downloaded as requested and verified that they contain the right image indices. Commands copied and pasted from the version currently on page 1 of this thread - paths amended to fit my drives.

    Tested using dism 6.3.9600.17029 and 6.3.9600.17031 on a freshly updated Windows 8.1 environment.
    REM Starting Win 8.1 x86 CORE
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\x86\install.wim /SourceIndex:2 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1" /compress:maximum
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x86 CORE, starting Win 8.1 x86 PRO
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\x86\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro" /compress:maximum
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x86 PRO, starting Win 8.1 x86 PRO/MC
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\x86\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center" /compress:maximum
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x86 PRO/MC, starting Win 8.1 x86 ENT
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\entx86\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Enterprise" /compress:maximum
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x86 ENT, starting Win 8.1 x64 CORE
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\x64\install.wim /SourceIndex:2 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1" /compress:maximum
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x64 CORE, starting Win 8.1 x86 PRO
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\x64\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro" /compress:maximum
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x64 PRO, starting Win 8.1 x64 PRO/MC
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\x64\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center" /compress:maximum
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x64 PRO/MC, starting Win 8.1 x64 ENT
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\entx64\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Enterprise" /compress:maximum
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x64 ENT
  11. A-bit_Tinkerer

    A-bit_Tinkerer MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    #1491 A-bit_Tinkerer, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    The /compress:maximum option should be /compress:max

    Refer to the DISM help for /Export-Image
    C:\>dism /Export-Image /?
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 6.3.9600.17031
    /Export-Image {/SourceImageFile:<path_to_image_file> | [/SWMFile:<pattern>]}
      {/SourceIndex:<image_index> | /SourceName:<image_name>}
      /DestinationImageFile:<path_to_image_file> [/DestinationName:<Name>]
      {[/Compress:{fast|max|none|recovery}] [/Bootable] | [/WIMBoot]}
      Exports a copy of the specified image to another file. The source and
      destination files must use the same compression type.
      Use /SWMFile to reference split WIM files (SWMs). <pattern> is the naming
      pattern and location of split files.
      Use /Compress to specify the type of compression used for the capture
      operation when exporting an image to a new WIM file.
      Use /Bootable to mark a Windows PE volume image as able to be booted.
      Use /WIMBoot to export an image that can be applied with WIMBoot
      Use /CheckIntegrity to detect and track WIM file corruption.
          DISM.exe /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:install.wim /SourceIndex:1
    In my own script, I also add the /CheckIntegrity option after the /Compress:max option.

    This is the script that I use to create an AIO.
    @title Windows Command Script: create_aio.cmd
    @echo off & if NOT [%1]==[] echo on
    cd /D "%~dp0."
    echo Starting . . .
    for %%e in (x86 x64) do (
      if EXIST %%e_install.wim (
        if EXIST install.wim del /A /F install.wim
        dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"%cd%\%%e_install.wim" /Index:2
        dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"%cd%\%%e_install.wim" /SourceIndex:2 /DestinationImageFile:"%cd%\install.wim" /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1" /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity
        dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"%cd%\%%e_install.wim" /Index:1
        dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"%cd%\%%e_install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"%cd%\install.wim" /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro" /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity
        dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"%cd%\%%e_install.wim" /Index:1
        dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"%cd%\%%e_install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"%cd%\install.wim" /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center" /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity
        if EXIST .\mount\. rmdir /S /Q mount
        mkdir mount
        dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:"%cd%\install.wim" /Index:3 /MountDir:"%cd%\mount"
        dism /Image:"%cd%\mount" /Get-TargetEditions
        dism /Image:"%cd%\mount" /Set-Edition:ProfessionalWMC   
        echo.&echo.&echo STOP!
        echo Find the data.dat file in the mounted image located in
        echo "%cd%\mount\Windows\System32\spp\store\2.0"
        echo Replace it with your data.dat file and then right click
        echo on the data.dat file and select Properties.  Make sure
        echo the file attribute is 'hidden'.  Close File Explorer,
        echo if it is open, after replacing the data.dat file.
        echo When you are ready . . .&pause
        dism /Commit-Image /MountDir:"%cd%\mount"
        choice /N /T 15 /D Y 1>NUL 2>&1
        dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:"%cd%\mount" /Discard
        dism /Cleanup-MountPoints
        rmdir /S /Q mount
        imagex /flags "ProfessionalWMC" /info "%cd%\install.wim" 3 "Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center" "Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center"
        if %%e==x86 (
          if EXIST aio_install.wim del /A /F aio_install.wim
          del /A /F x86_install.wim
          ren install.wim x86_install.wim
          copy x86_install.wim aio_install.wim
        ) else (
          dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"%cd%\install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"%cd%\aio_install.wim" /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1" /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity
          dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"%cd%\install.wim" /SourceIndex:2 /DestinationImageFile:"%cd%\aio_install.wim" /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro" /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity
          dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"%cd%\install.wim" /SourceIndex:3 /DestinationImageFile:"%cd%\aio_install.wim" /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center" /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity
          del /A /F x64_install.wim
          ren install.wim x64_install.wim
          for %%i in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
            dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"%cd%\aio_install.wim" /Index:%%i

    Notice that I start with a x86_install.wim and a x64_install.wim, which are the original 32-bit and 64-bit install.wim files, respectively, that have been renamed. After the script is run, there will be a x86_install.wim and a x64_install.wim files with the ProfessionalWMC edition, in addition to the Core and Professional editions. Also, there will be an aio_install.wim that contains the x86 and x64 editions.

    You will need to modify the script to add the Enterprise editions.
  12. kernalk

    kernalk MDL Novice

    Dec 30, 2012
    #1492 kernalk, Jan 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Thank you for the reply. I will try this later once I am back at the PC. Just in time too!
  13. kernalk

    kernalk MDL Novice

    Dec 30, 2012
    #1493 kernalk, Jan 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Nope. Didn't work. Tried the following commands:
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\x86\install.wim /SourceIndex:2 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1" /compress:max /checkintegrity
    REM Completed Win 8.1 x86 CORE, starting Win 8.1 x86 PRO
    Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:e:\win81aio\x86\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro" /compress:max /checkintegrity

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\DISM>imagex /info e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim
    ImageX Tool for Windows
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
    Version: 6.3.9600.17029
    WIM Information:
    Path:        e:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim
    GUID:        {e63045e1-7ffe-408a-85e4-541834362e97}
    Image Count: 1
    Compression: LZX
    Compression chunk size: 32768
    Part Number: 1/1
    Attributes:  0xc
                 Integrity info
                 Relative path junction
    Available Image Choices:
      <IMAGE INDEX="1">
          <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>
          <PRODUCTSUITE>Terminal Server</PRODUCTSUITE>
        <NAME>Windows 8.1 Pro</NAME>
        <DESCRIPTION>Windows 8.1 Pro</DESCRIPTION>
        <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 8.1 Pro</DISPLAYNAME>
  14. A-bit_Tinkerer

    A-bit_Tinkerer MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2014
    #1494 A-bit_Tinkerer, Jan 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    I created your folder structure on my system, but used drive C: rather than E:, and the following command script. I also used the dism.exe in the C:\Windows\system32 folder.
    @title Windows Command Script: create_aio.cmd
    @echo off
    goto RUN
    REM Folder structure that must exist:
    REM ---------------------------------
    REM \                        {root folder}
    REM  wim81aio\               {folder that contains this command script}
    REM           x86\           {folder that contains the x86 install.wim}
    REM           win81\
    REM                 sources  {folder that contains the aio install.wim}
    REM Setup environment to create AIO install.wim
    set SourceWim=c:\win81aio\x86\install.wim
    set DestinationWim=c:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim
    set dism_exe=%SystemRoot%\system32\dism.exe
    if NOT EXIST %SourceWim% goto EXIT
      if EXIST %DestinationWim% del /A /F %DestinationWim%
      REM Starting Win 8.1 x86 CORE
      %dism_exe% /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:%SourceWim% /SourceIndex:2 /DestinationImageFile:%DestinationWim% /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1" /compress:max /checkintegrity
      REM Completed Win 8.1 x86 CORE, starting Win 8.1 x86 PRO
      %dism_exe% /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:%SourceWim% /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:%DestinationWim% /DestinationName:"Windows 8.1 Pro" /compress:max /checkintegrity
      REM Completed Win 8.1 x86 PRO
      %dism_exe% /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:%DestinationWim%
    set SourceWim=
    set DestinationWim=
    set dism_exe=
    When the command script listed above is run, here is the output:
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 6.3.9600.17031
    Exporting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 6.3.9600.17031
    Exporting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 6.3.9600.17031
    Details for image : c:\win81aio\win81\sources\install.wim
    Index : 1
    Name : Windows 8.1
    Description : Windows 8.1
    Size : 8,669,979,638 bytes
    Index : 2
    Name : Windows 8.1 Pro
    Description : Windows 8.1 Pro
    Size : 8,705,033,584 bytes
    The operation completed successfully.

    Based on the above output, I am not able to replicate your problem.

    Are you running this on a Windows 8.1 system?

    Are you using the "appropriate" dism.exe?

    Are you starting with no install.wim in the \win81aio\win81\sources folder?
    Note the script listed above deletes the install.wim if it does exist.
  15. kernalk

    kernalk MDL Novice

    Dec 30, 2012
    Can't view spoilers on my phone apparently so I'll have to check it when I'm at home.

    I wonder if it's somehow relevant that I'm running it inside a Windows 8.1 VM (patched up to all updates available on Microsoft Update at the time of testing). VM host is VirtualBox latest Win32 if that helps. E: is a "mapped drive" using the VB host system. DISM is the System32 version at the version number in my original post but also tried with the ADT without success. The initial WIM is not present and is created by the 1st export step.

    I'll try your script when I get home later. Thanks for your thoughts and time!
  16. kernalk

    kernalk MDL Novice

    Dec 30, 2012
    Well I never.

    I ran the script adapted for the E: drive where they already were and exactly the same happened. Frowny face. Moved everything to C: drive which just barely fit it all, changed E: back to C: and voila! It worked. 2 images in one WIM. How strange. I have no idea why this wasn't working before, and I still have no idea why the exact commands won't work on E: but do on C:... I will have to find out what has sucked up all my VM host disk space, expand the disks and try out the full package. Am I right in thinking I should be able to include Windows 7 various versions too?
  17. prg202

    prg202 MDL Novice

    Mar 15, 2015
    great job, thamks
  18. balubeto

    balubeto MDL Addicted

    Dec 22, 2009
    Since the iso image that I am creating slightly exceeds the capacity of a standard DVD, I was looking for some option that is able to reduce the size of this iso with UDF file system.

    So, which options should work to reach my goal?


    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  19. fabricio simoes

    fabricio simoes MDL Junior Member

    Dec 17, 2020
    Can anyone help me I would like to create an updated 8.1 iso aio how to do it?